Saturday, April 21, 2012

tera power leveling now friend to accept - PRX

129785411039375000_154Landy: dawn of a new fusion of Taiwan Aboriginal elements tour then married Landy accept NetEase entertainment interview. --> Landy: dawn of a new fusion Taiwan married Aboriginal elements tour then NetEase entertainment on April 10 after 2.5 years, has always been sexy wild dancing aspect of Chinese music of Landy, was finally launched in the last month of her latest album, of the Landing. This time she brings comprehensive Taiwan Aboriginal and popular elements of theDance and KTV will point "warm" love songs, fashion, modeling again eyes as one of the lights on. Landy while hiding out in music more than 2 years, but she has not lost in showbiz, but was involved in several theatre performances, in addition to the films of the saidekebalai, the line of x go wrong, is also involved in the shooting of the TV series about to file on the daughter, it is herWhat works be delayed so long because of the music. Itself is the Taiwan Aboriginal Landy, had wanted a fusion in the past Taiwan Aboriginal elements of the album, she not only in integration of song, also in fashion, modeling and dancing, is fully let people feel the wild beauty of the indigenous people. Always dressed very sexy, glamorous, and this time was no exception, chest album coverV open open to the navel, exposing sexy "business line", even if it is now in a close male friend, Landy is still so boldly up front. Even if sexy photo shoot, Landy's answer was quite avant-garde, she said: "I want to leave it in when I'm pregnant, much like Demi Demi Moore with a baby, I think for me, the one that is the woman most beautifulEngraved. "Although in appearance, Landy is still sexy as ever, but her heart had feelings of stability have changed quietly. Landy said the shooting of two main songs MV because male model or actor in the MV and close contact with skin, which was always haunted by her shots, always shares the guilt inside, under often play alwaysFew words with her boyfriend, to appease her heart that shares the apology. But will take advantage of the good feelings of the moment, walking into the other end of the red carpet? In this regard, Landy has revealed that it's not so early into the family, she admits that they cannot as mothers, as, in order to immediately abandon the dream of family and career, he cannot use the second, but she did not rule out holding up large touring showAfter two years of singing, and boyfriends into the family, but she will not give up her singing career, but "family-oriented, singing career supplement". Here's the interview with NetEase entertainment content: NetEase entertainment: last for nearly 2.5 years, how will it so long before this? Landy: mainly on the drama of the intermediate 2.5 year timeMany works, as in the Taiwan region has taken as of the saidekebalai, then went to the Mainland after filming a TV show called the gold, as if there is no on, going on. And then to Malaysia and shooting a movie called the x-step wrong, but it amounts to the same time in parts of the music production, so there will be some small delays. NetEase entertainment: in addition toReservations your wild sexy dance, and loving k songs, this album's a bit different with the previous content? Landy: mainly inside my new album at a time like this, I'm more creative with some of the ideas of production, whether in the form or on the music, or even above the dance, I have from professional producers, dance teacher, stylistBecause I want is some minority elements in it. I'm the minority, as these things are, I always wanted to do, so at this time part of the main song of the AYO, I have added a section of their ancient Atayal. Included in the dance section, we follow a lot of dance as the grass dance, martyrs, even hair dance, and hipRing dance, there are many, many different dance elements in it, I want to put its integration into a new nation of prevailing wind. NetEase entertainment: albums in the past more indigenous elements, is to do your own special requirements? Landy: in this part of the writing, is to join the elements of ethnic minorities, I'm actually a scene you are looking forward to this element in onlyWas at that time that just debut on Music cognition is not so deep, and then through the middle of the album slow train, also accumulated a lot they wanted to ... Dare to express, another is the reality sometimes ideas with how to put it into implementation, it really needed by producers. Producers at a time like this, my other half producer Andrew Zhu Jingran teacher, he helped me, These abstract ideas to help me set up my organization. NetEase entertainment: will try to do pure native language albums in the future? Landy: I think that, due to the colors to the national packaging, have become a burden, so how do you want to put it in a popular fusion of two elements together, but will not be too abrupt, not too small, because the flowThis piece, to a unique style of their own, I feel that this is also part of the, so I could find like Eastern Europe, Scandinavia also have their local ethnic minorities, more and more the feeling of the wind in the world. And in fact, as the slower songs of the most beautiful and the light of love, there are some special ethnic musical instruments musical instruments are used in it.NetEase entertainment: your costume eyes again as one of the bright, pretty sexy, fusion of Aboriginal people, Aboriginal costumes there are so sexy? Landy: should be saying, this portion belongs to the wild, as I dance with African dance, the dance and the original dance, it already belongs to the wild, more free, more rhythmAnd then we cut from that direction, with the now popular fashion, as martyrs of the album dance for me, a war dance of the red, that's it the Totem beaded, beaded some of this stuff is from the Aboriginal crafts started out, with a beaded dress. Beaded in this fashion, however, it becomes part of the fashion. Then the Totem,The bead embroidery, using it like a totem, a pattern, and they become very creative, I think a lot of minorities, regardless of craft, now slowly has been in the fashion industry, as many printed bold Totem, like I'm wearing these, colorfur, colors are bold, but there are still some small number of peopleTotem family lines in it, I think now in recent years, European and American fashion, these elements are visible on the stage began. NetEase entertainment: you are interested in costume design, do you want to own brand clothing? Landy: I was a man not one second, so if I am on stage performing, I would hope that my focus is placed on the stageDance with the music, until then in Malaysia with friends opened a brand that belongs to me, which is even, even series. But because I feel that I don't have one to the businessman's mind, so I think I should first focus on the music, I think it would be better for my fans, they would wish to seeChild. NetEase entertainment: so sexy hot costume? Will fear of people or families oppose? Landy: actually in the minority this piece, now popular in conjunction with myself album, mainly on their cognition, because I feel like we own our own national awareness is very ... Now there is the next generation, so need to have thisA conscious. I from this direction, and then began to extend in depth how to make it pop, now friend to accept, because I believe that if everyone, because sexy is a very abstract thing, then my mother often said: "well, you're not sexy mum before", my mother was like. So young my mother she said before her, theyAt that time, as Tsui Tai-ching, is already a generation after the brilliant is very sexy, that I look, I still have a lot less. NetEase entertainment: you help your mother made a debut before press conference, how do you think are going to have this press conference? Landy: this album has written a song called the fingerprint, and mainly grateful mother from childhood to sth,Because she gave birth to me is very young, at the time she was in high school graduate, northward to acquire Star card, as now the PUB before standing, you have to a star card, now don't have, that used to be required. And are subject to previous singer in the PUB standing singing, singing halls resident singing, and then will be mining talent scout. At that time his mother at the beginning1 or 2 years, Japan's star analysis phase and phase at the same time, dad was in love with me. But at decision point, she would firmly decide the husband and son, went on to marry very well and I, because families give up your dreams, so I wrote of the fingerprint of the song at that time, I think that there are some mixed feelings, because I know there are a lot of mothers around the worldBecause families, have children, you may have to sacrifice some interest with some of their own ideals and aspirations, so I wrote this song, and then helps her mother on the day the special dream, let her be the stars of the day the dream plan, and she is also very happy. Actually she sings, she starts, you can listen to it really is very much like our mother. NetEase entertainment: trying to help youDo mothers albums? Landy: in my first impression when I was a kid, like our children, now she wants to live her own life, but from such criticism asked Daddy, but I think mother used to sing to their families, because, after all, she is at home, after all, she wants her home, she would want to be home to one of the largest spiritPillar, so our children to work, return to the home of the mother is at home, always gives us a warm feeling. NetEase entertainment: Press Conference on mother mentioned does not object to your wedding with the ball, you would like your mother did give up for love and dream like that? Landy: I think there is no way I yay! I want to say ... Because I was actually in my life plan, IThe golden age of high school graduates aged 18 to 32 years old now, which I have been building my dream, step by step, practical realization of this dream I in showbiz, so I think there are good, should not be too greedy. But each one, I think we have to go to at every stage ... My schedule has in fact delay, I had when I was 20 IThink said 30 age on must will married, but had has 30, now sometimes plans Miss changes, so I will think next now has a stability of feelings, also hope can to has good of results, that course parents is optimistic its into, but I themselves on work also has a sense, because also is hope in open finished tour Concert zhihou, at least in 2 years within is noPlans to get married. NetEase entertainment: will be dominated by work? Landy has been slowly implementing, will want to say just now, there are still a lot of things are still not completely finished tera power leveling, plans should be after 2 years of marriage I have. I also hope that my ideas are more traditional, get married and have children, and then into the family, this is my sleepIs one of the most complete women's stage. NetEase entertainment: If, as you say, busy playing after this two-year tour singing, you really don't like a wedding Hall, concentrate on husband and son at home? Landy: I think I'm going to make my own, if you baby I I figure no aliasing, in fact I don't want to miss the pre growth phase, that I can see is that you can bring childrenOr when he is free, but mainly for home, singing career, supplemented! Is occasionally go out, if the fans want to see me or open a concert so that we can get together with each other, like this. Should be said that when two people have just come to know, was already the status. Yes, that fate, able to keep going, said there was mutual trustWith know and respect, therefore this work I have not to interfere with each other. NetEase entertainment: in the new song AYO, MV and dance naked mengnan in the can't help but forgive, or lying in the male breast, this time you benefits well, but how do you never find a boyfriend frame-in performance? Landy: he is never seen, but he can't be that wanted to make theTime to forgive, his own heart, he himself is a Chinese and English tutors, he is also a teacher, peer, so he has given himself a good positive ideas, give yourself a mental construction. He said at that time, he was that the happy birthday to me in the chat, the fool, that this time I told him that, if the company reallyCalls to do so, to really close the lens, I pulled you up, a little male model back. But fortunately this did not give me the next challenge, but I just a hug or a male chest, I feel a sense of betrayal. Go back to talking on the phone with him is very strange, I in fact includes families not to do too much work solutionsRelease, but that you couldn't help but want to call with his release of some of their own guilt. NetEase entertainment: he asked himself said do you want to be an actor? Landy: we were shooting the saidekebalai know, I think both are also full of respect for each other, so interference in his work, I think it is slowly step by step. NetEase entertainment: If in the futureOpportunities in acting with the boyfriend, will play intimate show but not used? Landy: this section should not be, because of the saidekebalai would have been better without too many (intimate theatre), I think it is very close to leave the part of the us....... Not used to share with other people, after all, is a matter of their own world. NetEase entertainmentThis cover is so sexy, has no chance to shoot sexy photo sets in the future? Landy: in fact, if you really makes me want to shoot, before someone will find, press to find said photo section, but I hope so, I'd leave it in when I'm pregnant, much like Demi Demi Moore with a baby, I think for me, it is the woman most beautifulAt that moment. Because there are many tera power leveling, I think the women in another flavor when mature, at that time, I would be more willing to put that time Landy, photo album if it leaves many memories to many mothers, I believe it is very special. NetEase entertainment: heard that held personal debut first ticket on May 12 to play sing, say can you singDo not prepare any special bridge? Landy: this time for me, since my debut 12, this is my first personal concert in ticket sales, and then choose the site, I hope it is a warm, because I did an extended stage, hoping that I can pack in the middle of all the fans, friends and family and give them a likeExhibition so, does not has too more of blasting, because I think these in that day, I hope is near distance of, and is natural of, and is real of; so that day I will create a is like jungle of feel, followed LANDING under of album as, is jungle of feel, and may is a female Tarzan of form this looks appears, and I also hope Members to participate in of ShiWait, can house a little element of the body of an animal tattoo, you can ban horses, Leopard tera gold, or tattoo any animal, can even camouflage, is that you are a part of the jungle, and then you come to the wild and intellectual Party. NetEase entertainment: going to the Mainland is a few days at a time, when to come to the Mainland for a long time and have a good publicityAbout your new album? Landy: for simultaneous release of reason, in fact, when I was last in early March has been to the Mainland, but starting from the plane, from the magazine at that time, because there are a lot of different bands, and then I will be on both sides at the same time on both sides, may go for a week, and came back for a week, then the next will be in a few days in the past, for television, And then begin to slowly deep into the city, then autograph, Autograph signing event, rest assured will each point to see friends, because I know you waited more than 2 years, I was hard, then I want you to think very hard, hoping to close contact with you. NetEase entertainment: finally have anything netizens say that NetEase entertainment? Landy: Many words wanted to said, after all 2 years of time, but this 2 years of time I also no said in rest, also no lazy, and this once of album I themselves making has 3 first, and creation has 3 first songs, that in album inside, I believe heard came Landy in this 2.5 years to members of sincerity, and I hope again to to around, and each a local of fans friends were, if you seeTo me, give me an output of encouragement, then let my strength to every full publicity spot when seeing you, I'll be more enthusiastic, more open, and also thank you to support all the way, and then of the LANDING of the album hope you must be justified or legitimate platform on the network must be genuine, please! Because it is all of usEffort, and also hope that slowly accumulated, which can hold a concert in the mainland when the friends to support me, thank you. Others:

tera gold said a report published shortly before heavy beer - OFY

129784668090053750_66Beer reports of hepatitis b vaccine fails final release without periodic Chongqing brewery stood me up after all. Announced on April 6 was Chongqing beer days of finalizing the hepatitis b vaccine clinical study reports tera gold, but the company is at the end of last week's announcement that, at present, the company does not know when to publish final. Chongqing brewery said, alone is leader of a group of clinical trial summary report is unit confirmed the signing process, the company will do its utmost toCoordination of efforts and urge the relevant parties to be made within 10 working days alone is a group of clinical trial summary report. This is not the first Chongqing beer fails. The end of November last year, Chongqing Brewery's shares in vaccine dream achieved with the support of the most insane moments, breaking the $ 80 mark. When the company announced that stocks will be held from November 28, 20112nd suspension, December 5 bulletin "Unblinding" resumption after work-related information. However, wait until the day I was supposed to resume trading, Chongqing brewery "in important information is being verified," continuous on the suspension. On December 8, but revealed a direct share price fell continuously thrown beer "Unblinding" results. On December 13 last year, Chongqing brewery said is expected to separateStudy on clinical medication summary final report will be issued on April 6 this year, and shortly after tera gold, the company rebound in share prices began to fall. Market participants pointed out at that time, Chongqing Brewery has the risk of collapse in the basic release, if relatively optimistic about the information contained in the summary report, date of the Chongqing beer may also be turned over. After experienced a strong rebound in Chongqing beer, the original meterAnnounced on April 6, and the results will be very compelling. However, the investor is the Chongqing brewery fails a second time. It is worth mentioning that, said a report published shortly before heavy beer, this clinical trial summary report could determine future vaccine research. Corporate under alone Group clinical trial summary report on whether to continue the clinical studies inEvaluation, follow-up study is significant uncertainty; combined group research and development process is still a greater risk, with significant uncertainties. On Friday tera power leveling, the Chongqing brewery rose 1.72%, reported revenue of $ 28.33. Others:

Friday, April 20, 2012

tera gold the book floating profit of 240 million dollars - MBF

129784668088960000_63Stone investment policy dilemmas facing area were accused of kidnapping CITIC Securities in transition CITIC industry investment in funds and stone behind, with CITIC Securities. 35% stake in CITIC Fund occupied by CITIC Securities tera power leveling, Golden investment is direct investment company CITIC Securities. In June 2011, Wu Yibing airborne stone, President of CITIC fund investment, Golden investment or out of "sponsored direct vote" rut, move closer to CITIC Fund model. CITICIndustry standardized operation of the Fund if the original CITIC Fund to find you, would you consider working with it? When journalist threw three problems mentioned above-listed company in the near future, be answered, without exception, are "". The Red gene, CITIC Fund projects without being shut out. His fund shareholders and 38 people (LP) almost everyone already distinguished: big unitCITIC group behind East of CITIC Securities and China life insurance, the largest investor is the national social security fund. In another two months, the PE red background will go through its fourth year. Since serving as CITIC Fund's Chairman and CEO, Liu lefei is a real workaholic, working six days a week and a half, are often the last to leave the Office. Prior to that, he served asGeneral Manager of China Galaxy securities and life Investment Management Department. Under the leadership of Liu lefei, CITIC Fund has grown into the most famous of new private equity Fund (PE). President Wu Yibing and most things on the shelf of the table is the award-winning Crystal. At present, the CITIC Fund manages four funds, set up by the end of 2008 the scale of 9 billion yuanCITIC Fund issue, May 2010 set up size: US $ 990 million CITIC Fund phase II of 2011 set up a scale of 10 billion yuan of CITIC Fund phase III, and the CITIC mezzanine fund size is RMB 5 billion. As of October 15, CITIC fund investment by enterprises,Is close to 30. Both of Xifeng liquor and long kuaiji mountain the famous brand in China, also jianghe curtain wait such top leading enterprise in the global industrial chain. Tailored for the enterprise reporting regulation when peers are also trying to seek opportunities to meet with CEOs when CITIC Fund with strong backgrounds first to obtain the trust of enterprises. However,Wellconnected is just a stepping stone to enter the enterprise the door. To further impress enterprises, often depends on a magic weapon--speed report. The speed report, proposals, including management strategies, financial proposals such as the proposal. In the company's view, these are free and valuable report. This is CITIC resources Fund in addition to shareholders and financial advantages that can helpIt made a greater premium space weapon. Each adjustment report published, are a set of standardized practices from CITIC Fund: the first step, discovered through research projects and preliminary contacts with enterprises. The second step, once the investment intention, preliminary due diligence and Investment Committee for the first time, discuss and decide whether you want to make a more thorough investigation. The third stepFor detailed business due diligence. The fourth step, the legal and financial due diligence, last on the basis of the first three steps, full of confidence to the enterprise to produce adjustment report. As Liu lefei said, the PE phase, we can see good enterprise, but also often short of money. CITIC Fund investments, not just money, while providing enterpriseDevelopment strategy, branding, marketing, supply chain, capital operation and other value-added services. Only report doing fine regulation, enterprises will believe you understand the industry, and to provide a real value-added service. Liu lefei for example, in a restaurant chain in project and CITIC Fund restaurant location on its operational efficiency, and customer traffic of the future effect will be on the basis of factors such asAnd so he mentioned in the management proposal to the enterprise "standardization of location", and recommend sites placed on the Board level. Signed investment contracts after becoming shareholders, CITIC Fund will enter operational phase. Investment management team for three months to develop with the company a "management plan after the vote", planning for last three years, things to do, and toThe set assessment standards. It is understood that CITIC industry investment fund each project will have the "hundred days". It focused on project and non-project is divided into key projects. On key projects, each quarter, CITIC industrial team to participate in the Board of Directors of the Fund, and management team to communicate every month. Kuaiji mountain value added service benefit from CITIC Fund. CITIC FundShares, will be cut to more than more than 200 products consists of more than 800 more of kuaiji mountain, avoid too long on the marketing front, and so on. At present, the CITIC Fund has established more than 20 business management processes and templates, involving all aspects of the business. Wu Yibing said CITIC Fund and criteria for selecting companies and most investors is no different, just one more:Has much to offer value added services space. On the configuration of the investment industry, CITIC hedge fund risk, both a longer investment period of equipment manufacturing industry, there are also financial and consumer hedging. Concern is that in 2012, "national PE" boom in large amounts of RMB funds will gradually come to exit stage and the IPO is still relatively limited resources, PEMust explore a more diverse ways. And CITIC Fund was set up last year in a stock investment sector, leaving the Chinese Zhuang Tao star Fund Manager of the Fund and take, trying to step in asset management in the secondary market. It is understood that the Zhuang Tao private operation, trust model, similar to the Sun's first product, raise has been ended in early 2012. In accordance with the Zhuang TaoIdea of the team or in 2012 as CITIC Fund PE secondary market from the service of the project. After the formation of a certain size, may attempt to provide services to other PE exits, and becoming part of hedging and other means. CITIC Fund will run through one or two markets, formed PE secondary market withdrawal of investment, industrial chain. But with investment banker pointed out that, in theThis innovation of the industry Fund defined in laws and regulations, as well as moral norms, there is a risk. In addition, on January 31, 2012, 31 heavy industry in China and CITIC Fund jointly-funded 360 million euro, acquisition Germany producer of concrete pump putzmeister full ownership, focusing on Pre-IPO PE provides examples. "Almost in a-shares and foreign stocksTrend remains weak case, PE should consider participating in private placement, participate in overseas mergers and acquisitions of enterprises diversify investment type. "A PE told financial weekly newspaper reporters. CITIC Securities 2011 annual report shows rise in net profit last year of 2,147%, as of December 31, 2011, CITIC Fund registered capital of RMB 1.8 billion, with total assets of 41,53882100 Yuan and net assets of $ 3,407,582,600, $ 1,613,906,700 operating income, total profit, $ 1,315,096,300, $ 1,000,584,100 in net profit, employs 145 people. Compared to last year, net profit rose 2,147%, staff expanded the 60 people. First renminbi funds Mianyang CITIC Fund FundEnd of the investment period at the end of 2011, and small gains, while simultaneously with the establishment of industry funds the majority of silent, or even raise has not yet been completed. As of April 28, 2011, Mianyang Fund LP 38 home subscription amount of capital in the amount of 9.363 billion dollars, to the account the amount of capital totaling 7.321 billion yuan. In 2010, Mianyang, total assets of the FundTo $ 6.373 billion, net assets for $, net profit of 174 million dollars. Money week exclusive statistics, since the 2009 IPO cycle to the end of the first quarter of 2012, more than a total of more than 400 listed companies in the small and gem, 3 are Mianyang fund investment companies, namely: Cheng Yun shares (300090.SZ), BeinUnited States (002570.SZ), river wall (601886.SH). Gem company Beijing Games Mianyang, stake is the Fund's first single PRE-IPO. Mianyang Fund contribution $ 39 million of its 10 million shares in June 2009, 10.46% was ranked the third largest shareholder's stake. Book float full of the $ 177 million, return on investment455%. As of March 29, Mianyang, number of shares of the Fund has not changed, book floating profit of 184 million dollars, book return 471%. Small companies Bay for the United States to its second single. Prospectus disclosure, November 2009 Mianyang Fund to $ 16.67/unit price of J.V.Rinternational Limited CompanyShellfish because of us and 3 million units of shares held on December 12, 2009, shells from the US capital reserve increase its registered capital, every 10 converted 13.5, Mianyang number Fund ownership spread to 7.05 million shares. In addition, the Mianyang Fund to $ 21.28 million funded bei Mei Group held 10% shares, indirect holding Bay for us-16.47 million shares. As at 329th the Bay for the United States to $ 23.72/stocks, book floating profit of 156 million dollars, book return 1448%. Board jianghe curtain wall projects of the company is the third single of Mianyang fund IPO. Among them, Mianyang Fund by means of a capital increase and share, holding a 40 million shares, was ranked fourth largest shareholder of the company per cent share of the 8.89%. Integrated computing, Capital increase of the Fund and the equity of Mianyang average holding cost is about $ 6 per unit. As of March 30, the river wall closed at $ 13.69 per unit, Mianyang book float full of the $ 300 million Fund. Jinshi or "CITIC Fund" mode in the SFC halt "sponsored direct vote" cases, industry funding has gradually become a major brokerage under investment and business development.CITIC Securities stone investment direct investment company CITIC Fund President Wu Yibing airborne, ushered in the transition period, KBS investments or move closer to CITIC Fund model. "Abduction" CITIC Securities on the growth enterprise market, regulatory policy is not clear before the market opened, Golden investment works closely with the parent company, CITIC Securities in hand. Golden sponsor of CITIC Securities investment to investment projects,Investment in CITIC Securities with the help of stone and sponsor institutions and large shareholders have a dual identity. According to the weekly financial statistics, since the 2009 IPO cycle to the end of the first quarter of 2012, more than total more than 400 small and listed on the second board companies, Golden investment stake in the company successfully listed 8, sponsor per capita as CITIC Securities, time away from the company's time to market and investment in a yearOr so, not more than two years. From investment counselling to sponsor, Yiqi he Cheng, shorten the time period for companies from financing to market, reducing the investor's investment of time and earn money faster. October 30, 2009, China Tai Yue (300002.SZ) successfully landed the gem, sponsor organizations that CITIC Securities. June 26, 2009, goldInvestment to China taiyue 27.72 million Yuan investment, holding 2.0982 million shares, only 4 months from the listing. On its first day, mainland taiyue to $ 102.9/share price close, Golden investment book floating profit of 190 million Yuan on the first day, 7.09 times return on investment times. At present, the stone number of shares increased to 6.2947 million shares of the investment tera power leveling, on March 29.79/share's closing price to calculate, floating profit $ 84.26 million, 4.04 times return on investment times. Equally in robots have KBS on October 30, 2009-listed investment figure. May 2008 KBS investment in, as of March 29, the book floating profit of 240 million dollars, 10.27 times return on investment times. Stone investment subscription haohua energy (60 tera gold,1101.SH) is another classic case, CITIC Securities Underwriting in the months before, its investment stake of issued shares before 6.98%, is the second-largest shareholder, press 7% policy supervision of the red line. CITIC Securities ' 2011 annual report shows, KBS investment net profits of $ 820 million in the year, an increase of 100%. In 2011, Golden investment new investment project 29Single, part or all of 4 single exit project. High profit returns, capital increase direct investment company CITIC Securities. 2007 KBS registered capital for investment is only $ 831 million, 2008 capital increase and $ 669 million, 2009 increased capital 1.5 billion yuan on July 6, 2010, capital increase and $ 2.2 billion, Golden investment registered capital increased to $ 5.2 billion. However, asFor subsidiaries, no matter how it scenery, cannot cover up facts of the parent company supplies. Direct investment and have to rely on recommendations and suggestions of the Investment Bank, whose voice had been weakened. Especially in July 2011 the Commission formally transferred brokerage direct investment pilot general supervision, and halt "sponsored direct vote" model, brokers direct investment and market competition in the face, stone more need for transformation. The securities of publicDirect investment business regulation Division III of the guidelines (I) explicitly provides that direct investment child company of securities companies, direct investment funds and Fund of funds, industry management institution that intends to invest in listed companies. Wu Yibing airborne KBS securities halted "sponsored direct vote" a month before, Wu Yibing served as President of CITIC Fund posts as well as to "Executive Director" statusStanding stone investment news abroad. In fact, "Executive Director" was a low-key, Golden investment, or Wu Yibing will take over. Wu Yibing joined, meaning stone investment will refer to CITIC fund development mode, redefinition of brokerage role of direct investment. Wu Yibing entered the company, started preparations for the $ 15 billion of direct investment fund. Learn from CITIC Fund successVerification, in the company of stone under the investment framework, established new partnerships fund management company, open company, the introduction of investor, investor (LP) and Manager (GP) the close bundling of interests. If the preparation is complete, it will become the largest currency funds. Others:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

tera gold 282. Only two days last week - VCF

129784668226616250_4079th reduced to space Coke coke and enterprise markets vulnerable stability According toAdjustment, Shandong Zibo area prices edged down, three levels of metallurgical coke in yinchuan area increases slightly. It is learnt that the large deposits in the Shanxi coking coal prices downward in the near future, major on weaker Coke price support. But Coke enterprises loss-making situation, and prices have been cut a wave in early, late Coke price reduction space is very limited. 9th main 1205 even Coke contract is open to 2012, shock lower midday close 2010 fall 0.4% turnover of 464, hand position 3 tera power leveling,282. Only two days last week, steel market transactions and inventories continue to decline tera gold, market call mind strong, steady rise in steel prices. In addition tera power leveling, the steel price increase, price also must support, transaction value segment of the market to continue improving. Others:

tera gold such as shooting is limited to that year's concept - BYG

129785411057343750_200The Titans 3D visual effect is no surprise, Nick nostalgia more lethal After 15 years, Jack and Ruth's life and death part of this scene is still full of tear effect. Wrinkles in the new version of Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio dapple of Apple is clearly visible. Wreck scene in 3D effect slightly obvious, than it was 15 years ago version of drama has strengthened. The Titans 3D visual effect is no surprise, Nick page information times Ting Ma 15 years ago, one of theTitan, how many tears to shed cinemas, Nick, is engraved in my heart under the romantic and poignant love story. Today, the Titans, Nick set up 3D sail again to enter the Chinese theater. Yesterday, reporters at a preview on the first viewing of the film, for the remapping of the highest aspect of 3D effects, general audience and reporters that the 3D effect is not considered shocking, but notThere are "a lot" of Visual effects, but the picture quality clear and bright, and drama, detail, and tears are not outdated, instant hit audience of nostalgic fans think, someone said: "not a movie, is youth. "3D effect is not shocking enough, as" the godfather of 3D ", Cameron has opposed to the transformation of 3D representative, until the conversion of the Titanic, when CameLong Caikou the wind changed, he has repeatedly stressed that he transformed very carefully, by no means ugly. In fact, compared to those with a 3D camera shot of the top blockbusters of the Titans, Nick of the 3D effect does not deserve special praise. After foreign media highly praised its visual effects, "seawater seems to overflow the screen, flooded into the cinema", but during the film, this feeling is notStrong. 3D effect only in the second half of the movie when the sinking is presented, the first half is some evaluation of the audience as "only the titles are 3D", Jack and Ruth in the bow of the classic 2D and fly screen is not much difference between the effect. And that is the second half, also is not particularly shocking, such as shooting is limited to that year's concept, trend of seawater flooded the ship capsized, sinking ship when porcelainDirection and not towards the audience, lack of sense, these are obviously greatly reduced its 3D appeal. Even the navigation at the bottom of the lens at the beginning of the movie clips, although the depth is stronger than the old version, but the avatar works worse than many. Kate crepe highlight however, outcomes of the movie is quite detailed, who this time is clearly rendered in the fuzzy details viewNow, whether it's dust in the wreckage, of bubbles in the water, and even senior Ruth blood vessels on the skin, age spots have a glance. After wearing 3D glasses, the movie is still very bright colors tera gold, 3D conversion does not appear common "Dim". In that year, the Titans in the Nick, Leonardo DiCaprio has conquered the world of the female audience, now is 36 years old kaitewensiWright said when seen on the premiere that year's own: "now to see your way at the age of 21, it was kind of hit. Movie theaters, I feel so strange, as if their popularity again as. "Leonardo DiCaprio has said in media interviews:" see yourself for the year, really intimidated by his handsome. "The audience is in fact directed at dapple of Apple coolLeonardo DiCaprio, HD quality, Leonardo DiCaprio was so fresh and delicious, with shiny skin and Kate Winslet wrinkles are better, looks more like sister and brother love than that year. Contrasting the two star status, review of "fat Ruth" and "thin Jack" is also an interesting viewing experience. Dissatisfied with the nude scene was deleted while the audience to the 3D version of the Titanic, CameronLens and a knife does not cut the plot, absolutely faithful to the original film. But come to the Mainland, is also different, and when Jack as a portrait of Ruth, Ruth Bare play is no longer maintained as before, leaving Ruth back and face the camera. Delete although Ruth nude Flash then the lens is not advancing the cause of any impact on the story, but still no small controversy among viewers.A audience that 15 years ago the film when released did not cut off the lens, when these feelings to the thick lenses have become fans of the classic, but now against being cut. Remapping the Titans tera power leveling, Nick with waves of nostalgia "15 years ago, the people who see this film with you, still by your side? 2012 who will hold you by the hand with a revisit to the classic? "This is the 3D version of the ThaiMessage of the temple, Nick. Visible, not the 3D version of the Titanic, reflecting fire, setting off a wave of unstoppable wave of memories. Recently, entitled "tears of the Titans, Nick MV" videos on the Internet go crazy, a very smart clip, no edge and Jack, but it too old. In the video, 1912, old images of the ship opens upTitan Nick astounding stories. The next story and in the film, wore a top hat Ruth down the carriage tera gold, met with Jack on a cruise. Tears ran the key nodes in the original movie "Titans, Nick" lens of crashed into an iceberg were cut off, Jack and Ruth is still gay, in his run and cross in the film world. The road to revolutionAnd the reading aloud of the inception of the United Nations, the life and death of lens have been subtly into the clip of the MV. Jack and Ruth are each other's most important people. Most tear was in the MV last 2009 Kate won the Golden Globe Award for best actress, the Leonardo DiCaprio of What's Left Of Me was aspiration by innumerable Titanic fans claim, "I love you 13Your performance in this film is excellent, love you with all my heart. "Leonardo DiCaprio was moved to under the red eyes, more video Viewer sigh of onlookers. In addition, as the Titanic, picked up this nostalgia, and movie-related products is also very popular in the recent time. Shopping on the site in the "heart of the ocean" necklace Titanic vesselModel, wreck removal and salvage wood box, and limited-edition first class red wine sales are very good. Sold in a shop owner said that despite the "heart of the ocean" necklace is a parody, but hot. Variety of accessories also make up for the movie fans regretted that year. Others:

tera gold "this acquisition is an important milestone in the development of Facebook - PTS

129785433003906250_5 <a href="">tera power leveling</a>Reuters: Instagram is a valuable asset NetEase tech news on April 10, according to Reuters, Facebook today announced a $ 1 billion dollars in cash and stock, Instagram photo sharing service providers to buy only two years. Instagram is a photo sharing application based on mobile phone platforms. According to the company's insiders, Instagram itselfAs a "service to share photos based on a streamlined version of Facebook and Twitter. "Founder of Social Fund Lu・Kenna (Lou Kerner) says:" Instagram just for Facebook is a very valuable asset, also has considerable significance for the Twitter. ”"And I'm sure that Google is interested in the company is. So in a way said, this acquisition is an attack, a defense. For the purposes of any enterprise that wants to compete with Facebook tera gold, Instagram is a very powerful asset. "Buying Instagram breaking Facebook's previous style.In the past, Facebook to acquire smaller startups tera gold, and purpose of the acquisition is to obtain the latter's development team and its products will eventually be closed. However, the Facebook acquisition Instagram, which not only will remain independent, which also said it would consider the latter products adding more new features. InstagrAm in United States San Francisco, the company has 12 employees. Last week, reports that the company is completing a wheel size of us $ 50 million in financing from Sequoia Capital. Facebook plans implemented in May this year the largest IPO in the history of Silicon Valley plan. The company's CEO Mark Zuckerberg (Mark ZuckerBerg) on the deal said: "this acquisition is an important milestone in the development of Facebook, because this is the first time in the history of the company to buy a product, a company that has had so many users. We do not perform many similar plans in the future to buy. "According to the published information on Facebook, the acquisition is expected to be in the quarterLater when completed. (Lu Xin) Others:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

tera gold Changchun Railway station-East bridge-satellite - EWR

129788443014843750_151International community right in the photo left Sina Locke (edited Pang Zhuo) in the international community (comments on the Forum type photo album sample room map search) "Orange County" features three last 30, 113 square meters in 39-85-square meters super low price hardcover small apartment for sale, now launches "noFeedback ", particularly as the old owners launched a day 3" the Summit "Tepi group headquarters. Old owners recommend new customers successfully purchased, old owner to receive $ 2000 property management fee, also receive "good cards".  Customer can enjoy the old owners exclusive listing! International community (comments on the Forum type photo album sample room map search)Located in the Nanguan District West of River Street, South huanchenglu junction with River Street, 300 meters South. Around the project: 17 (people's square-sea shore in spring City), 112 (people's square-the square of workers and peasants-sculpture park-Brick factory), 225 (Changchun Railway station-Bridge-East satellite channel).  Nearby bus lines are less, but close to the light rail, take the light rail to more quickly reach the downtown business district. China overseas estate in the international community are representative of the fourth generation, group Regiment in stages to be developed, including multi-storey and high-rise, High and low density residential and other architectural forms. Upon completion, the project will form with key middle school, hotel, composed of a large number of public buildings such as apartments, large commercial facilities, can accommodate 7,000 people live in large communities with high quality, Changchun and the countryResidential demonstration communities have an impact. Click to view more sale price: 3,000 3,000-4qian4qian-5qian5qian-6qian6qian-8qian8qian-100.01 million area above the Navigation: Green Park, Erdao District jingyue area Kuancheng District by district, gaoxin district, Chaoyang District nanguanqu auto trade area information above is for reference onlyEventually released to developers.  This manuscript for SINA Locke exclusive original manuscripts, all rights reserved, referenced or reproduced, please indicate the source. Subscription member home buyers included our discounts and the latest property market trends sent directly to your email subscription subscribe to Locke member home published in the international community in the process a total of 26 comments click here to readMore comments and more comments netizens 2012-03-21 sea looked today, ready to buy a House to my parents old-age tera power leveling, the overall feeling is not bad, I do not know does anyone give some advice! [More details] said well (29) against (24) reply to the commentLocke users 2011-12-18 comparable to southern Wetland Park of 300 hectares of the South Lake in Changchun, in the presence of life. 100 hectares large garden landscape garden of serenity; in jingyuetan, sculpture park, surrounded by the natural park around the international community, natural green beauty meets ... [More details] say good (2) against (2) replies to the comments netizens 2011-12-18 accompanied by light rail phase III is nearing completion, at Chang Jie and unlimited growth potential for development of the light rail, take the light rail to the city downtown, purchases, leisure, entertainment, and commercial stand of the Government's move to the South, the central business district, ...[More details] it's better (0) against (0) Locke replied to the comments netizens around the 2011-11-13 project: Route 17 (people's square-sea shore in spring City), route 112 (people's square-sculpture park-brick factory-workers ' and peasants ' square), 225 (Changchun Railway station-East bridge-satellite). [More details] say good (0) against (0) replies to the comments wshb661226 2010-08-26 of buildings built in the sea good, this is the conscience tera gold, but levels not respectful of their property, suspension of power failure is often the case, and there is noPeople informed. Properties in personnel's quality is very poor, regardless of the tube, not tube tube. ... [More details] say good (41) against (19) replies to the comments wodeiguaig 2010-06-06 property needs to have the ability to lead, more country club managementGood [more details] say good (41) against (19) Locke replied to the comments netizens 2012-03-21 sea looked today, ready to buy a House to my parents old-age, the overall feeling is not bad, I do not know does anyone give some advice! [More details] said:Good (29) against (24) Locke replied to the comments netizens 2010-08-15 House is not no, too bad [more details] say good (21) against (6) replies to the comments and more commentsMore · in the sea international community Royal River five building came out (photos) · in the sea international community specials room highest offers 80,000 (photos) · in the sea international community highest offers 80,000 (photos) · in the sea international community multilayer insufficient 30 sets (photos) · in the sea international community music home users enjoy folding Shang folding (photos) · in the sea international community Royal peak type analysis (photos) · in the sea international community is expected toJune admitted (photos) · in the sea international community plus push large type products (photos) · in the sea triumph door launched 10 sets apartments special room (photos) · China billion Red House House layer Layer gift area (photos) · Golden 8 in city special room each flat 4,265 Yuan up (photos) · country letter Cambridge mansion hardcover apartments complete dapartment each sets 530,000 up (photos) · Asia Thai Indus mansion recentPush top (photos) · free garden currently multi-sale starting at $ 6,800 (photos) · far special room $ 300 flat relief of shade house (photos) · green blue sample room opening to the Sea (photos) [318 owners forum type posts] [38] [virtual map 122]: $ 8,000Loan calculator Tel: 88535666,88535777 Sina mentioned Locke for more favorable location: nanguanqu River West, South huanchenglu junction with River Street, 300 meters South Developer: international community in Changchun China real estate development limited PK PK Jia Yi Hai international community waterfront SouthChina Chamber in the sea international community PK Narimoto Platinum putting in the sea international community PK North yangxin subsection in the sea international community PK in the sea triumph door in the sea international community PK Rainbow Museum in the sea international community PK Chinese Bush cherry in the sea international community PK baolilin language in the sea international community PK letter up Tung Wan Peninsula in the sea international community PK and Huang Yucui Hao Chamber in the sea international community PK baolilin language in the sea international community PK tooEffect of Yang family location map community real sized model room plans the moment · Eurasian celebrate annual Shopping Festival-28 only once, Haier portrait of Hong Kong offered eight zhongli tube · Eurasian celebrate annual Shopping Festival-28 only once, Haier portrait of Hong Kong offered eight zhongli (registration stickers) Locke netizens · very good friends· Zhonghai real estate a good reputation and offerings · 2012 early spring bows weeks killed a second award offerings · simple, stylish, artistic, modern solid wood composite door sun92186 ·-sea international owners ' group; 212 tera gold,816,582 Locke Netizen · sea-owners ' group: 212,816,582 Locke Netizen · this sea is a cold it isNetizens · ecological environment good friends · light rail phase III after Locke profile ┊ About Leju ┊ advertisement ┊ partner ┊ contact us ┊ map ┊ jobs ┊ register ┊ products ┊ site lawyers answer ┊ feedback CopyrightFranchise recruitment Others:

tera power leveling to return to quiet the mind and body. In addition - NBC

129788443009687500_138------The feeling of love and honey health Salon is about to start in April tera gold, when the breath of spring fermentation become more rich, longhu original mountain (comments on the Forum type photo album sample room map search) captured in a timely manner to the pulse of life, exquisite and intimate service for your healthy life. April, 14 day, longhu original sales brochure, theme for the feeling of loveHealth Salon King of honey for you to visit the site. By then, nearly hundred Lake owners and journalists gathered in the mountain, sharing the fun with cherry blossom, tasting single beautiful villa. Health Salon offer buffet food and health inquiry so that guests food beauty hither to breathe naturally, do as one pleases feel life, zero distance dialogue garden master of longhu. Longhu Lake providing owners with good original mountain isThe perfect combination of health and beauty. In this "feeling of love honey" activity, longhu original invited renowned Chinese medicine practitioners in the industry, in the diagnosis of Salon activities using Chinese traditional practice in a one-to-one, professional guidance and conditioning methods. Different functions and the sweet fragrance of the jasmine tea can slow down the pace of daily life, to return to quiet the mind and body. In addition, fancy ice cream and Portuguese egg tartsDIY links provides guests with fun for themselves. Day of Lake effect drawing of original activities tera power leveling, whether it is outdoor barbecue buffet or interaction between Chinese and Western medicine is the field of inquiry and DIY tera gold, each guest in investment activity and know that certainly a worthwhile trip. Relying on the original mountain villa in Mountain Creek, while in the top echelon of social interaction, longhu interpretation to treat your whole life will be inDrop into the original owners of the bottom of the mountain. Effect of longhu original mountain map Others:

Monday, April 16, 2012

tera gold in the winter time - MZW

129788454353593750_147Japan expert: expanding the tires heat up the F2012 window resolved Yeah sporting April 13: Ferrari earlier this year signed the former Director of Bridgestone F1 tire Yuying shore Island, who came from Japan's tire specialist for the current status of the Ferrari racing, said the top priority was the need to work to expand F2012 window, because only there are special cases tera gold, racing to a first-class play. Although Alonso get MalaysiaArmy tera power leveling, but everyone understands this is done in special circumstances, Ferrari racing grip worse problems have not been resolved, so the station after the game tera gold, the team still can adapt to other things and make unremitting efforts to enhance road racing. Hama hirohide hamashima says: "be honest, we're still not out of the Woods. F2012 no shortage of potential, so far we do not have the correctDirection, in the winter time, occasionally can be found, but sometimes there was a huge contrast at the same time, enhance the stability of racing also must be completed. "Sea Island Yuying joined Ferrari this year, he believes that F2012 is racing better than qualifying, but he says the car can do single or long distance are strong. "Better race than qualifyingAnd that's true, but only finished two races this season, but cannot say cannot possibly tell, only one thing is certain, that we're better at the wetlands case competitions. "The problem of bin Island Yuying finally touches on the tire heats up, he said:" we solve this problem has been lost, but when they confront various formulations of Pirelli tires, tires heat up from the car thereA lot of help. Yes, if heated up doing good means failure of the tire will be faster, because have the racing balance becomes a top priority, so that we are warming fast, while maintaining a long. �� Others:

Saturday, April 14, 2012

tera gold people can look up to the project extended preferential policy - BCZ

129774133210000000_295 <a href="">tera power leveling</a>China · 2012 spring in Shenyang real estate Expo held in Shenyang International Exhibition Center on April 25. Rigid home buyer demand for better service groups, the spring exhibition of the Securities and Exchange Commission have carried out various previews, including people online previews of the home network, the Shenyang evening news preview, such as securities and Exchange Commission into the community preview of the Organizing Committee, housing fairDiscount houses on display, in a variety of channels to the public display of the purchase. Previews have started people buying network currently, rendezvous and people buying network official website ( has opened up room rendezvous topic page, display has established one of the first exhibitors. People with housing needs, you can log on people buying network, click on the Web site Home above "· Shenyang real estate trade fair in spring of 2012 "option, you can enter the trade fair topics page, view the exhibition of one of the first real estate project. Through the preview room rendezvous, House address, price, people can look up to the project extended preferential policy, traffic conditions, and the sales office and a telephone for more information. In one of the first exhibitors in real estate, 90% real estate has been developed above chuzhanPurchase incentives, is temporarily not formulate preferential policies of enterprises also said that the meeting will be in the House prior to the opening of finalizing the purchase discount. This intersection of the exhibition project discount up to tens of thousands of dollars, including extensions of enterprises in a variety of forms available to the buying public purchase offers, offers diverse, in terms also will be a major feature of this exhibition. For example: 9Reduced 50 percent, each square meter 300 $ room, and other preferential policies tera power leveling, fine to something like 90 square meters of a House can save you nearly $ 30,000, let the home buyer fair in the spring to enjoy the real buying concessions. People purchase NET will also be updated Exhibitor information and purchase offers, people can follow online information on House plans, housing information and offers are well understood the politicalPolicy, according to its own situation in the development of a housing plan. Internet access available during the exhibition "special room" April 25, will run for four days of information, organizing Committee of exhibition development enterprise carry out "special rooms every day". Securities and Exchange Commission launched the hundred sets every day will run four days "a room with a" special room, good houses, who enjoy large, on-site contract you can enjoy special offers. Group BoardEvery day at the show will be set "every day special room" activity panels, public announcements, "price" listing information, including area, type, price and discount price to facilitate understanding special room. But also by people known to the public network and of the purchase of the Shenyang evening news "every day special room" housing stock information, is also available through the people's network and of the purchase of the Shenyang evening news query special roomInformation. People buying this exhibition to join the first group of exhibitors of the network tera gold, in the next month until the eve of the opening of the exhibition, exhibitors people purchase NET will be updated, will also update the show service information, such as: free Expo shuttle bus departure point, extension housing policy consulting, provides the most detailed purchase services to House people. Others:

tera gold 129779483497500000_104 - IVU

129779483497500000_104View recent Sina finance news on April 03 tera gold, new cities announced Zheng Yanling has resigned from the Company Secretary, came into effect on April 2, 2012.  Zheng Yanling confirmed that no differences with Board. Company tera power leveling, Luo Manfang appointed as Secretary of the company tera power leveling, effective from April 2, 2012. Others:

tera gold - GLH

129778772031093750_854 <a href="">tera gold</a>document.write(""); Others:

Thursday, April 12, 2012

tera gold Futian District - ZBW

129779403794687500_191th page mainstream choice rapoo H6060 Bluetooth wireless headphones for sale $ 299 "tianjiwang April 3 in Shenzhen" wireless products can be when it comes to the hot phase in our lives can always see it nowhere. Some wireless product is equipped with a sink, but because it's small and easy to lose so many friends will select from the receiverBluetooth wireless products. Rapoo recently unveiled a H6060 Bluetooth stereo microphone headset tera gold, by virtue of its excellent performance with fashion design are run by many consumers, has now become the mainstream choice when buying headphones, sound quality and exquisite daily audio and video entertainment needs, the rapoo H6060 new $ 299, wireless Bluetooth headsetFun friends may wish to look at. Rapoo rapoo H6060 H6060 appearance is simple, using the headset design, simplicity and elegance.  Headset with Bluetooth 2.1 EDR wireless transmission technology, to stability in the 10-metre-wide receive, users can enjoy stereo Bluetooth wireless music with high signal-to-noise ratio. Rapoo H6060Headset ear covers parts of leather with leather material, increased comfort when worn. Headset switches also have the freedom of hands-free calling and stereo music functionality, if you listen to music with the phone calls, headset will automatically switch to the telephone answering mode, users do not have to worry about missing any calls, and after the end of the call, the headset will automatically switch to music mode。  Rapoo H6060 touch headset adjusting key on the side of the design with easy touch design makes headphone better fashion sense, users need only one click, enabling volume control and track selection. Rapoo H6060 rapoo H6060 on the back also has built-in high performance rechargeable lithium-ion battery, just a 3 hour charge with 16 hours ofGaoxin noise ratio wireless Bluetooth music and 20 hours of talk time. Edit comment: rapoo H6060 good headset compatibility, compatible with Windows PCs and Mac computers with Bluetooth function, and supports the A2DP Protocol phones, iPad, and iPhone. Fine, good musical, has a certain amount of value for money, love blueFriends of tooth wireless headsets can be considered to start. "Product name": rapoo H6060 Bluetooth headphones "product price": $ 299 "merchant name": digital technology in color "distribution address": strong electronic world Q4B085 tera power leveling, Futian District, Shenzhen, Xinhua "telephone": 13 tera gold,724,290,515 Others:

tera gold seriesSeries review - PWR

129770869289062500_67"March 24, Pacific Internet station in Henan province" is HTC HTC Incredible s years ago launched a product, known as "G11", the main hit the high end smart phone market tera gold, give a very high level in hardware configuration tera power leveling, listed half price after discount, the system uses the latest Android2.2 intelligent actionsPlatform, Qualcomm MSM8255 processor hardware 1GHz, 768MB RAM, running it performed extremely well, both before and after its up to 8 million and 1.3 million pixel dual camera, the front of the fuselage was relatively strong style of HTC. Recently new Acer business China (mobile phone: 18939452213,QQ:1103475,012) on the HTC Incredible s (G11) price $ 2,150, speed to onlookers like friends! HTC G11 (s710e/Incredible s) pictures show 360 evaluation forums offer online shopping prices it is learnt that the HTC Incredible s is equipped with a 4-EnglishMaterial-inch Super LCD capacitive screen at a resolution of 480x800 pixels (WVGA-level), to support multitouch. At the same time, Android2.2 version of Google's latest space flight systems and HTC Sense user interface. HTC G11 (s710e/Incredible s) picture 360Show evaluation forums offer online shopping prices at the same time, HTC Incredible s is used in the 1GHz match 768MB clock speed of the processor and RAM 1GB NAND memory, believed to be able to give you very good handling experience. In addition, the machine also built a 8 million pixels camera and 1.3 million pixels of the DeputyCamera, equipped with a dual-LED Flash, you can record HD video 720P. Can meet your everyday needs. HTC G11 (s710e/Incredible s) picture 360 evaluation forums offer online shopping prices >> product-related resources to download (games themes wallpapers ringtones software movie eBook) seriesSeries review: HTC Incredible s equipped with a Qualcomm MSM8255 processor 1GHz, 768MB memory (RAM), before and after the 80.0013 billion pixel dual camera tera power leveling, carry Android2.2 intelligent operating system, if the powerful hardware, still is the senior level. HTC IncRedible s price is firm, the machine has a small price cut recently, businessmen the latest offer for $ 2,150, like friends can directly contact the merchant at the end, then referred to Pacific Internet station also offers better services in Henan province. [Back to Henan Home] tips: for more information please contact the following distributors mentioned that Pacific Internet in HenanStations will have better offers and services! More products please click >>> New Hongye of Henan China [reference price]:HTC $ apt-G11 (gray) [contact]:0371-63582512 18,939,452,213 new Hongye of Henan China [sales offices]: Times Square a, located in Zhengzhou technology markets 1702nd [query]: cell phone market in Henan Province [quote query]: Welcome to Pacific Internet users of Henan Henan mobile quotation Exchange groups communicate with more users of IT products! Pconline Henan mobile AC 1 group: 85,860,412 (full); Pconline Henan mobile communication group 2: 6,5011954 (full); Pconline Henan mobile AC 3 groups: 119,263,954 (full); Pconline Henan mobile AC 4 group: 110225052;Pconline station in Henan mobile AC 5 groups: 134580212;Pconline station in Henan mobile AC 6 Group: 13,4581493;Pconline Henan mobile AC 7 Group: 135325714;Pconline notebook, DIY, Exchange Group in Henan Province: 106,742,260 if you need to browse other channels such as laptops, cameras, DIY, you can click on the corresponding articles of the suffix to get information! Others:

tera gold Chris Paul-12-3 only - UXY

129779512050312500_43Fenghuangwang sports news Beijing time on April 3, the Clippers team with a 94-75 victory over the calf. Fast shipping (32 WINS 21) six consecutive victories. Randy-Feuilles Trey-15 8, contributed 28 points, Blake-Griffin 15 points 16 rebounds, Callon-Butler had 13 points, Chris Paul-12-3 only, 8 points 10 assists. Calf (30Win 24 negative) almost all backward. German g-Dirk Nowitzki got 19 points 4 rebounds, he is only two players on the first episode, Jason-jide quezhen. -Jason Terry got 15 points, Yi hit a three at the last moment. Mediocre team combat capability, fast ship hopes to remain at home, but, against all expectations, left the game they are much less. Face smallBeef, fast boat had 10 consecutive away defeat, but was accidentally played well today. Fast Boat House only behind 0-2. Griffin and Butler have also to color, at fuyesan points after hitting, fast shipping to 7-4 beyond. Bubowa investment in the three points, Dirk Nowitzki picking basket from succeeding, calf score to pull into 11-11, but Jordan and Griffin control under the basket,Two people have been successful, fast shipping to 20-13 opened the gap, the first section of their leading 25-17. Calf is only supported in both Dirk Nowitzki and Terry, and speed boats are more flowering. The second paragraph of the section, Nick-Dr succeeded three times in a row, won 7, fast ship out after a wave of 11-2, to 39-23 greater advantages in one fell swoop. Dirk Nowitzki to a ball, even4 points, and thereafter in three hits, but the calf has failed to narrow the gap to single digits, first to 33-47 at a disadvantage. Third section when there is 7 minutes and 15 seconds, Paul retreat step shot hit, speed boats leading by 19 points to 56-37. Dirk Nowitzki to a three minute, Feuilles section in half twice hit third, speed boats to extend to 20Above. Feuilles section in three hits on the left third, single-section, got 11 points and speed boats leading into the last section of 72-54. The fourth paragraph of the section, Feuilles for two of the three succeeding, speed boats leading 82-64. CIC also Dirk Nowitzki to a ball, but Griffin soon will do the tera gold, fast ships continue to remain. Calf in desperation tera power leveling, had to take down all the major,Jianlian who will get to play opportunities. When competition with 26.9 seconds, Yi hit third, calf narrow the gap to within 20 minutes. Fleet: Paul, and Feuilles tera gold, Butler, and Griffin, and Michael Jordan. Calf: West, cat, Marion, and Dirk Nowitzki, and Brendan Haywood. Others:

tera power leveling Reporters ask the fire service and public sector experts - CVK

129779512255312500_190Fire inside the bus is a bus from Hangzhou San Tong bamboo garden of bus No 12 to the Silk Museum, at that time, buses loaded with passengers sitting and standing, reckon there are more than 70 people. Noon 11:20, this car is Road North intersection of stadium red light. Congested traffic, hot weather, added sultrysummer cars, make someNo energy. But suddenly there was a scream in the car tera gold, all in a flutter--"smoke in the car! "Because you want to Chang village of something yesterday afternoon, embark on this bus No 12 small-when the car is crowded, people are full. Open to the Wu Shu and South Stadium road intersection, when you are waiting for the red light, suddenly followed by a man shouting: quick stopCar, car smoke inside! Hurry up to open the door! That said, I also smell inside the car there is a burning smell. Car began to stir, we panic. Driver was a young man, he quickly stopped, open two doors where passengers according to the principle of proximity, select close to the door to get off. Around that time the car behind a smoke, to be honest quite worried about the whole car is burning or explosion. MembersSince the nearest door escape after getting off, cut the distance run, the process took about 1 minute. A female passenger ran constantly patting his chest: "scared the wits, thinking that cars ablaze! "May be afraid of the cars stopped traffic on the road, drivers one crossroads drive, pull over to stop at the North crossing. At that time, the car stillKeep the smoke, flames g old high. Inside driver compartment, with a dry powder fire extinguisher, a gush of smoke, smoke like in air conditioning here. After a, fire engine came. They are using a foam fire extinguishers, several times to get the fire. Now I said it seemed very easy, in fact, was really quite the adventure! --Told reporters that theseSmall received a phone call, he is seen on the phone yelling "you come come, martial arts I at a crossroads, I just now by bus, life is almost gone! "Drivers: first reflex was to stop the evacuation of passengers at about 12 o'clock noon, when journalists arrived at the scene tera power leveling, something of a bus, the body has been coated with a layer of foam, above the left rear air conditioning air outlet was burntInto the pitch-black. Because of this incident, towards Wulin road traffic was not a small effect, under the command of the traffic police at the scene tera power leveling, many vehicle select detour. Reporter learned that, traffic impact probably lasted for about 1 hour. Driver surnamed Wu, aged 35, who of Hangzhou, driving more than 4 years old. His mouth is dark above a cloud, which is in the course of his earlier self-helpSmoked. Wu says, when he smelled a burning smell, and saw a fire, the first reaction is to stop the evacuation of passengers, and police. Fire engines rushed to the scene of the fire-fighting squadron of the West Lake. Fire fighters said, when they were 11:24 at the scene, is constantly out jet black smoke in the car, "the dark red flames g out the window more than 2 meters high. "Through spray foam to fire locations, 10 minutes after the fire was put out. Then water cooling the gun on the vehicle and the engine, fuel tank, half an hour later, risk being excluded. News is, this accident did not cause casualties. Public transport company: the cause of the fire has nothing to do with the hybrid system something of this bus No 12 is the hybrid car, fire hybrid: is? Weather everThe relationship? How the condition of this car? It is learned that the bus is a 2009 purchase of an accident, and is well maintained, condition is good. To date, Hangzhou hybrid buses more than 800 vehicles in total. Bus with hot weather yesterday is there any relationship between spontaneous combustion? This bus technology Deputy Manager Shen Bo thought unlikely: "Although the weatherHot, but the temperature is not high to the point. "Shen Bo told a press conference, after the incident, the bus company to proceed to the cause of the fire and the Fire Department conducted a preliminary survey:" the fire has no connection with the hybrid system. Specific location of fires near the duct to the left in the car, we found that in normal operation of the air conditioning system, air duct near the damaged. In addition, in the rescueBoth sides of the window glass is crack, in addition, the car is normal. "According to reports, the accident may be the vehicle left the rear edge of the roof line is causing the problem. Pipeline has three roots, respectively, connecting door, Interior lamp control and air conditioning switch. It is not yet clear what is causing the problem. Public transport company said, after the accident, they had to proceed immediately to all publicVehicles to conduct a security check to prevent remnants of security risks. Spontaneous combustion of the bus, what should we do if experiencing spontaneous combustion in transit, bus, what should we do? Reporters ask the fire service and public sector experts, as we sort out the bus evacuation of spontaneous combustion technique: If you were a driver-after-found danger, should keep calm, nearby parking,First time to evacuate the passengers. Vehicles should be equipped with fire extinguishers, safety devices such as the hammer, when fire was less, you can choose to save themselves, and first time alarm. If you are a passenger �C the first, stay calm, be sure not to panic, not to crowded, raised-extruding fear most is to be thrown into confusion after riding accident; second, there before the bus ignition precursors, such as smoke, burned taste,To remind the driver to stop for passengers if just the flame, to calm disposition, with a fire extinguisher out of third, escape is the most important, if the door opened, and should maintain order, from the door in order to get off. If the door does not open, you can select the security hammer or blunt, knock on the window broken, from the window of escape; IV, the event was on fire, do not run, run anti-And will accelerate the burning. You can undress with foot fighting, or roll in place, put the flames out. () Others:

tera gold you look at me 7 years earlier than the middle one is forced - YQI

129779443530156250_76 (Click thumbnail to enlarge) click here to see other pictures Sina entertainment news program on the mouth before Chen claimed, had witnessed the famous artist in the elevator rubbing his hips of the female Assistant programme peopleMore revealing is alluding to Jay.  The news, Jay on April 2 emergency press conference to clarify, you call "too". Jay Chou held a press conference this afternoon, particularly to clarify, strongly accused the report's authenticity is not. Jay: "read the news, is to clarify, in order to squeeze the buttocks, a press conference, I am also very helpless, but alsoIs to clarify. Since early this morning, I woke up and my mom said news that you pinched Assistant ass, I felt so torn, even the mother is misunderstood. "At a press conference tera power leveling, Jay direct Assistant to clarify no pinch to hip tera gold, Zhou Dong said:" NIE ass really pulled this thing, no matter how impossible pinching ass assistants. "Fan Zhou Dong is afraid of mother and misunderstanding, rise up to defendReputation. Jay Chou and gossip-Kun Ling dining with his family a few days ago, are paparazzi candid with each other's physical confrontation, Jay homemade audio and Visual news after a paparazzi irony, than to put Batman paparazzi, but shoot the media to counter his confused time. At a press conference today, Zhou named Dong the paparazzi is in conflict with him seven years ago of the same person, also angeredNa Ying (micro-blogging) the same.  Zhou Dong has repeatedly said he is beating, as paparazzi hit him first, he will be tempted to wave, and not what he meant. He made audio and video news satire "small", he said, "humor" wanted to fight back, and said that "the paparazzi is different from journalist", he is a very respected journalist, "I did not hit him (paparazzi) has been very good"。 Jay said: "I think this is how my character, you look at me 7 years earlier than the middle one is forced, is telling children that after not than the middle one, later than the little finger, so, I the little finger. Focus: you can't follow me 7 years, 7 years, that tired not tired?  "Today, Jay appeared not to Flash 10 minutes left. Jay has put beforeAs long as people can take to his interview with Kun Ling.  Today he has to respond to this, he said that the day is a positive side tera gold, does not represent a positive, the people questioned also speak to Zhou Dong is not. TUNGSTAR/and map Others:

tera gold Meet the investment needs of overseas investors in the domestic securities market - OHL

129779483503437500_119On December 16, 2011, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the people's Bank of China, the State administration of the joint publication of the Fund management company tera power leveling, securities company currency measures on domestic securities investment pilot qualified foreign institutional investors, allowed to meet certain qualifications of the Hong Kong subsidiary of the Fund management company, securities company as a pilot institution, its in Hong Kong to raiseYuan renminbi investment funds approved securities investment business lines within the territory. Publishing of the trial measures since the implementation of related departments to actively promote and pilot work is progressing. At present, the China Securities Regulatory Commission approved 21 pilot institutions of its qualified foreign institutional investors (hereinafter referred to as RQFII) qualification and approval of the State administration of foreign exchange on its ownPeriod of 20 billion yuan investment, pilot institutions of RQFII products have been approved by the SFC, some products have begun to invest domestic securities market and interbank markets. RQFII pilot, on the expansion of our capital market opening level, sound foreign currency return mechanism, further promoting the internationalisation, to consolidate and enhance Hong Kong's international financialHeart position has played an active role.����Since its introduction in pilot tera gold, active market evaluation. Recently, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the people's Bank of China and the State administration of a serious study on the feasibility of expanding the scale of pilot, and had worked closely with the Hong Kong authorities on Exchange and communication. To further promote the domestic securities market opening, widening the channels of foreign currency investments,Meet the investment needs of overseas investors in the domestic securities market tera gold, approved by the State Council, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the people's Bank of China and the State administration of RQFII decided to add 50 billion yuan investment, allowing pilot institutions denominated a-share ETF products, invest in a-shares index shares and listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange. Next, the China Securities Regulatory CommissionIn conjunction with the relevant departments to further expand the scale of pilot, the range of institutions and investment ratio. Others: