Wednesday, April 18, 2012

tera gold "this acquisition is an important milestone in the development of Facebook - PTS

129785433003906250_5 <a href="">tera power leveling</a>Reuters: Instagram is a valuable asset NetEase tech news on April 10, according to Reuters, Facebook today announced a $ 1 billion dollars in cash and stock, Instagram photo sharing service providers to buy only two years. Instagram is a photo sharing application based on mobile phone platforms. According to the company's insiders, Instagram itselfAs a "service to share photos based on a streamlined version of Facebook and Twitter. "Founder of Social Fund Lu・Kenna (Lou Kerner) says:" Instagram just for Facebook is a very valuable asset, also has considerable significance for the Twitter. ”"And I'm sure that Google is interested in the company is. So in a way said, this acquisition is an attack, a defense. For the purposes of any enterprise that wants to compete with Facebook tera gold, Instagram is a very powerful asset. "Buying Instagram breaking Facebook's previous style.In the past, Facebook to acquire smaller startups tera gold, and purpose of the acquisition is to obtain the latter's development team and its products will eventually be closed. However, the Facebook acquisition Instagram, which not only will remain independent, which also said it would consider the latter products adding more new features. InstagrAm in United States San Francisco, the company has 12 employees. Last week, reports that the company is completing a wheel size of us $ 50 million in financing from Sequoia Capital. Facebook plans implemented in May this year the largest IPO in the history of Silicon Valley plan. The company's CEO Mark Zuckerberg (Mark ZuckerBerg) on the deal said: "this acquisition is an important milestone in the development of Facebook, because this is the first time in the history of the company to buy a product, a company that has had so many users. We do not perform many similar plans in the future to buy. "According to the published information on Facebook, the acquisition is expected to be in the quarterLater when completed. (Lu Xin) Others:

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