Saturday, April 21, 2012

tera power leveling now friend to accept - PRX

129785411039375000_154Landy: dawn of a new fusion of Taiwan Aboriginal elements tour then married Landy accept NetEase entertainment interview. --> Landy: dawn of a new fusion Taiwan married Aboriginal elements tour then NetEase entertainment on April 10 after 2.5 years, has always been sexy wild dancing aspect of Chinese music of Landy, was finally launched in the last month of her latest album, of the Landing. This time she brings comprehensive Taiwan Aboriginal and popular elements of theDance and KTV will point "warm" love songs, fashion, modeling again eyes as one of the lights on. Landy while hiding out in music more than 2 years, but she has not lost in showbiz, but was involved in several theatre performances, in addition to the films of the saidekebalai, the line of x go wrong, is also involved in the shooting of the TV series about to file on the daughter, it is herWhat works be delayed so long because of the music. Itself is the Taiwan Aboriginal Landy, had wanted a fusion in the past Taiwan Aboriginal elements of the album, she not only in integration of song, also in fashion, modeling and dancing, is fully let people feel the wild beauty of the indigenous people. Always dressed very sexy, glamorous, and this time was no exception, chest album coverV open open to the navel, exposing sexy "business line", even if it is now in a close male friend, Landy is still so boldly up front. Even if sexy photo shoot, Landy's answer was quite avant-garde, she said: "I want to leave it in when I'm pregnant, much like Demi Demi Moore with a baby, I think for me, the one that is the woman most beautifulEngraved. "Although in appearance, Landy is still sexy as ever, but her heart had feelings of stability have changed quietly. Landy said the shooting of two main songs MV because male model or actor in the MV and close contact with skin, which was always haunted by her shots, always shares the guilt inside, under often play alwaysFew words with her boyfriend, to appease her heart that shares the apology. But will take advantage of the good feelings of the moment, walking into the other end of the red carpet? In this regard, Landy has revealed that it's not so early into the family, she admits that they cannot as mothers, as, in order to immediately abandon the dream of family and career, he cannot use the second, but she did not rule out holding up large touring showAfter two years of singing, and boyfriends into the family, but she will not give up her singing career, but "family-oriented, singing career supplement". Here's the interview with NetEase entertainment content: NetEase entertainment: last for nearly 2.5 years, how will it so long before this? Landy: mainly on the drama of the intermediate 2.5 year timeMany works, as in the Taiwan region has taken as of the saidekebalai, then went to the Mainland after filming a TV show called the gold, as if there is no on, going on. And then to Malaysia and shooting a movie called the x-step wrong, but it amounts to the same time in parts of the music production, so there will be some small delays. NetEase entertainment: in addition toReservations your wild sexy dance, and loving k songs, this album's a bit different with the previous content? Landy: mainly inside my new album at a time like this, I'm more creative with some of the ideas of production, whether in the form or on the music, or even above the dance, I have from professional producers, dance teacher, stylistBecause I want is some minority elements in it. I'm the minority, as these things are, I always wanted to do, so at this time part of the main song of the AYO, I have added a section of their ancient Atayal. Included in the dance section, we follow a lot of dance as the grass dance, martyrs, even hair dance, and hipRing dance, there are many, many different dance elements in it, I want to put its integration into a new nation of prevailing wind. NetEase entertainment: albums in the past more indigenous elements, is to do your own special requirements? Landy: in this part of the writing, is to join the elements of ethnic minorities, I'm actually a scene you are looking forward to this element in onlyWas at that time that just debut on Music cognition is not so deep, and then through the middle of the album slow train, also accumulated a lot they wanted to ... Dare to express, another is the reality sometimes ideas with how to put it into implementation, it really needed by producers. Producers at a time like this, my other half producer Andrew Zhu Jingran teacher, he helped me, These abstract ideas to help me set up my organization. NetEase entertainment: will try to do pure native language albums in the future? Landy: I think that, due to the colors to the national packaging, have become a burden, so how do you want to put it in a popular fusion of two elements together, but will not be too abrupt, not too small, because the flowThis piece, to a unique style of their own, I feel that this is also part of the, so I could find like Eastern Europe, Scandinavia also have their local ethnic minorities, more and more the feeling of the wind in the world. And in fact, as the slower songs of the most beautiful and the light of love, there are some special ethnic musical instruments musical instruments are used in it.NetEase entertainment: your costume eyes again as one of the bright, pretty sexy, fusion of Aboriginal people, Aboriginal costumes there are so sexy? Landy: should be saying, this portion belongs to the wild, as I dance with African dance, the dance and the original dance, it already belongs to the wild, more free, more rhythmAnd then we cut from that direction, with the now popular fashion, as martyrs of the album dance for me, a war dance of the red, that's it the Totem beaded, beaded some of this stuff is from the Aboriginal crafts started out, with a beaded dress. Beaded in this fashion, however, it becomes part of the fashion. Then the Totem,The bead embroidery, using it like a totem, a pattern, and they become very creative, I think a lot of minorities, regardless of craft, now slowly has been in the fashion industry, as many printed bold Totem, like I'm wearing these, colorfur, colors are bold, but there are still some small number of peopleTotem family lines in it, I think now in recent years, European and American fashion, these elements are visible on the stage began. NetEase entertainment: you are interested in costume design, do you want to own brand clothing? Landy: I was a man not one second, so if I am on stage performing, I would hope that my focus is placed on the stageDance with the music, until then in Malaysia with friends opened a brand that belongs to me, which is even, even series. But because I feel that I don't have one to the businessman's mind, so I think I should first focus on the music, I think it would be better for my fans, they would wish to seeChild. NetEase entertainment: so sexy hot costume? Will fear of people or families oppose? Landy: actually in the minority this piece, now popular in conjunction with myself album, mainly on their cognition, because I feel like we own our own national awareness is very ... Now there is the next generation, so need to have thisA conscious. I from this direction, and then began to extend in depth how to make it pop, now friend to accept, because I believe that if everyone, because sexy is a very abstract thing, then my mother often said: "well, you're not sexy mum before", my mother was like. So young my mother she said before her, theyAt that time, as Tsui Tai-ching, is already a generation after the brilliant is very sexy, that I look, I still have a lot less. NetEase entertainment: you help your mother made a debut before press conference, how do you think are going to have this press conference? Landy: this album has written a song called the fingerprint, and mainly grateful mother from childhood to sth,Because she gave birth to me is very young, at the time she was in high school graduate, northward to acquire Star card, as now the PUB before standing, you have to a star card, now don't have, that used to be required. And are subject to previous singer in the PUB standing singing, singing halls resident singing, and then will be mining talent scout. At that time his mother at the beginning1 or 2 years, Japan's star analysis phase and phase at the same time, dad was in love with me. But at decision point, she would firmly decide the husband and son, went on to marry very well and I, because families give up your dreams, so I wrote of the fingerprint of the song at that time, I think that there are some mixed feelings, because I know there are a lot of mothers around the worldBecause families, have children, you may have to sacrifice some interest with some of their own ideals and aspirations, so I wrote this song, and then helps her mother on the day the special dream, let her be the stars of the day the dream plan, and she is also very happy. Actually she sings, she starts, you can listen to it really is very much like our mother. NetEase entertainment: trying to help youDo mothers albums? Landy: in my first impression when I was a kid, like our children, now she wants to live her own life, but from such criticism asked Daddy, but I think mother used to sing to their families, because, after all, she is at home, after all, she wants her home, she would want to be home to one of the largest spiritPillar, so our children to work, return to the home of the mother is at home, always gives us a warm feeling. NetEase entertainment: Press Conference on mother mentioned does not object to your wedding with the ball, you would like your mother did give up for love and dream like that? Landy: I think there is no way I yay! I want to say ... Because I was actually in my life plan, IThe golden age of high school graduates aged 18 to 32 years old now, which I have been building my dream, step by step, practical realization of this dream I in showbiz, so I think there are good, should not be too greedy. But each one, I think we have to go to at every stage ... My schedule has in fact delay, I had when I was 20 IThink said 30 age on must will married, but had has 30, now sometimes plans Miss changes, so I will think next now has a stability of feelings, also hope can to has good of results, that course parents is optimistic its into, but I themselves on work also has a sense, because also is hope in open finished tour Concert zhihou, at least in 2 years within is noPlans to get married. NetEase entertainment: will be dominated by work? Landy has been slowly implementing, will want to say just now, there are still a lot of things are still not completely finished tera power leveling, plans should be after 2 years of marriage I have. I also hope that my ideas are more traditional, get married and have children, and then into the family, this is my sleepIs one of the most complete women's stage. NetEase entertainment: If, as you say, busy playing after this two-year tour singing, you really don't like a wedding Hall, concentrate on husband and son at home? Landy: I think I'm going to make my own, if you baby I I figure no aliasing, in fact I don't want to miss the pre growth phase, that I can see is that you can bring childrenOr when he is free, but mainly for home, singing career, supplemented! Is occasionally go out, if the fans want to see me or open a concert so that we can get together with each other, like this. Should be said that when two people have just come to know, was already the status. Yes, that fate, able to keep going, said there was mutual trustWith know and respect, therefore this work I have not to interfere with each other. NetEase entertainment: in the new song AYO, MV and dance naked mengnan in the can't help but forgive, or lying in the male breast, this time you benefits well, but how do you never find a boyfriend frame-in performance? Landy: he is never seen, but he can't be that wanted to make theTime to forgive, his own heart, he himself is a Chinese and English tutors, he is also a teacher, peer, so he has given himself a good positive ideas, give yourself a mental construction. He said at that time, he was that the happy birthday to me in the chat, the fool, that this time I told him that, if the company reallyCalls to do so, to really close the lens, I pulled you up, a little male model back. But fortunately this did not give me the next challenge, but I just a hug or a male chest, I feel a sense of betrayal. Go back to talking on the phone with him is very strange, I in fact includes families not to do too much work solutionsRelease, but that you couldn't help but want to call with his release of some of their own guilt. NetEase entertainment: he asked himself said do you want to be an actor? Landy: we were shooting the saidekebalai know, I think both are also full of respect for each other, so interference in his work, I think it is slowly step by step. NetEase entertainment: If in the futureOpportunities in acting with the boyfriend, will play intimate show but not used? Landy: this section should not be, because of the saidekebalai would have been better without too many (intimate theatre), I think it is very close to leave the part of the us....... Not used to share with other people, after all, is a matter of their own world. NetEase entertainmentThis cover is so sexy, has no chance to shoot sexy photo sets in the future? Landy: in fact, if you really makes me want to shoot, before someone will find, press to find said photo section, but I hope so, I'd leave it in when I'm pregnant, much like Demi Demi Moore with a baby, I think for me, it is the woman most beautifulAt that moment. Because there are many tera power leveling, I think the women in another flavor when mature, at that time, I would be more willing to put that time Landy, photo album if it leaves many memories to many mothers, I believe it is very special. NetEase entertainment: heard that held personal debut first ticket on May 12 to play sing, say can you singDo not prepare any special bridge? Landy: this time for me, since my debut 12, this is my first personal concert in ticket sales, and then choose the site, I hope it is a warm, because I did an extended stage, hoping that I can pack in the middle of all the fans, friends and family and give them a likeExhibition so, does not has too more of blasting, because I think these in that day, I hope is near distance of, and is natural of, and is real of; so that day I will create a is like jungle of feel, followed LANDING under of album as, is jungle of feel, and may is a female Tarzan of form this looks appears, and I also hope Members to participate in of ShiWait, can house a little element of the body of an animal tattoo, you can ban horses, Leopard tera gold, or tattoo any animal, can even camouflage, is that you are a part of the jungle, and then you come to the wild and intellectual Party. NetEase entertainment: going to the Mainland is a few days at a time, when to come to the Mainland for a long time and have a good publicityAbout your new album? Landy: for simultaneous release of reason, in fact, when I was last in early March has been to the Mainland, but starting from the plane, from the magazine at that time, because there are a lot of different bands, and then I will be on both sides at the same time on both sides, may go for a week, and came back for a week, then the next will be in a few days in the past, for television, And then begin to slowly deep into the city, then autograph, Autograph signing event, rest assured will each point to see friends, because I know you waited more than 2 years, I was hard, then I want you to think very hard, hoping to close contact with you. NetEase entertainment: finally have anything netizens say that NetEase entertainment? Landy: Many words wanted to said, after all 2 years of time, but this 2 years of time I also no said in rest, also no lazy, and this once of album I themselves making has 3 first, and creation has 3 first songs, that in album inside, I believe heard came Landy in this 2.5 years to members of sincerity, and I hope again to to around, and each a local of fans friends were, if you seeTo me, give me an output of encouragement, then let my strength to every full publicity spot when seeing you, I'll be more enthusiastic, more open, and also thank you to support all the way, and then of the LANDING of the album hope you must be justified or legitimate platform on the network must be genuine, please! Because it is all of usEffort, and also hope that slowly accumulated, which can hold a concert in the mainland when the friends to support me, thank you. Others:

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