Tuesday, April 3, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling That our banking system is on the verge collapse. So - MXI

129773184442656250_123Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog news from national debt debt notice analysis column feature scrolling list of bond market bond index bond curve of the convertible bondAnalysis buy-Enterprise debt index daily return yields subscription rate of introduction to calculate yield to maturity rate Wikipedia Forum blog Sharon hexun.com bond a financial calendar > body font size print RSS on March 26, 2012:48lai source: North-Beijing Youth Daily Green NET on March 20 hexun.com "Foundation seminar on China's bond market" was held in Beijing, the seminar jointly organised by the hexun.com and Chinese for 2012, the macroeconomic situation for analysis and discussion on present situation and development prospect of China's bond market and on the related issues of Treasury bond futuresDiscussion on the line. European debt crisis: source Beijing Liaison Office of population ageing star Ren Ruoen, risk management consultant, Chief Economist for the 2012 macro has been wonderful. Ren Ruoen believes that the global financial crisis got here, have reached the fifth year. One of the most important and the past insufficient attention in mainstream economicsFeature is the relationship between bond and macroeconomic development. Beginning in 2008, from the United States starting this crisis has a very distinct characteristics of debt, originally of residents and businesses "deleveraging". As the Government rescue the economy, of the lever on the balance sheet of the last transfer to the Government, so now you can see the situation in Europe. Course in Europe to the present dayDays, not exactly the economic results, and also the long-term fiscal problems, Ren Ruoen believes that "the most fundamental factor of population ageing was for a long time". Don't call high-yield debt "junk bond" Beijing Kai investment limited, investment Director for SFC Chairman Mr Guo Qiao Jia in December 2011, two openSpeech is said to encourage the development of high-yield debt, fixed income financial product innovation says: "first of all, high-yield bonds are not junk. Before we criminalize it, we cannot say that it is guilty, it didn't come out before, we cannot give it hung up the hat of a dirty word. From the meaning of leadership diablo 3 gold, it is a non-listed company, the definition of non-State-owned enterprise of contract bonds�� Seller and buyer agreed contract forms, without approval, reporting, 1641, such non-mainstream bond equivalent to foreign countries. I saw the newspaper called "double non-" bond, I think these nouns, but junk status earlier, prior to the default, we call "non-mainstream debt" or "high-yield debt". It is mainly small and medium-sizedCorporate finance direction. "Qiao Jia believes that" if it's garbage, in addition to the State-owned enterprises in China, single and listed companies, other companies do is waste? That our banking system is on the verge collapse. So, mainly addressing market, tie in with the implementation of reform, opening up and scientific concept of development to run, so that our small and medium enterprises diablo 3 power leveling, not small businesses,Medium enterprises, there is a channel of direct financing and access to markets. "Lower investment threshold to the bond market consolidated fixed income yinruixin funds for the current bond market researcher Xinwen she is the unified tera gold," said if reunification can increase liquidity, I certainly was in favour of reunification. "He believes that China stock market's biggest problem now is mobileSexual problems, leading to this liquidity, or is inefficient because there are many, such as investor structure with a single, single bond varieties, valuation or risk hedging mechanisms with a single, and so on, many reasons. ����But various causes is the result of the lack of liquidity in the bond market, said Exchange, after reunification, to improve liquidity. CITICBuilding bonds investment and securities analyst Shi Tongliang think the lower threshold of the investor can promote the bond market consolidated. He said investors are now divided in various transactions in the market, allowing investors to open more than one account, or an account can be separated into different markets, the liquidity of the market. Or you can make an account and participate in a variety of markets,If you can to lower the threshold for investors, investors can invest in access to a variety of markets. Futures were eliminated non-Treasury bond futures Beijing technology and business University, Director of the Institute of securities and Futures Hu Yuyue talked about the impact of government bond futures for futures companies, he believed that, after the Treasury bond futures, brought new changes to the structure of the industry,Is also worth looking forward to. ����Banks do not become new shareholders of the futures company. Professor Hu Yuyue believes that there's a possibility, "by the big banks buy one with the futures brokerage, and had a son with his grandson to. I see the media have reported that if banks become future shareholders, once after Treasury bond futures, half of the futures companyWill die, I want accurate as long as the position after this that deviousness. In any case, government bond futures to have competition, are to be phased out, not because of introduction of Treasury bond futures. So, a good futures company shareholder background, in favour of the futures company big. �� Others:

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