Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera power leveling 2012 - DKR

129771622154062500_35On the map on 23rd captured the "she-Wolf", the following figure provides users with Husky photographs. (Network of qilu) sth Do you see I like wolves? (Design of dialogues) new express morning of March 23, zaozhuang tera gold, Shandong tengzhou police recaptured a wolf. Zoo staff identification of five or so white she-Wolf. Mr Wang said the so-called Internet users "The wolves "is actually their own 5 year old Husky dog, named Lady, character, meek, was accidentally run out from home.  At present, Mr Wang is representation and the Zoo. The morning of March 23, 2012, zaozhuang, Shandong tengzhou Nansha River town police station police caught a female Wolf, local zoo staff identification, the Wolf is only five years old she-Wolf, white,About 1 meter long.  At present, this Wolf was sent to people's Park in tengzhou city placement. However people of tengzhou King after seeing the photos online, confirmed what experts call the "Wolf" was his family's pet dog. Mr Wang family's dog is a Husky, named Lady, 5 years old this year, tame, was a girl. Yesterday accidentally ran out from the House. Due to the localWolf bite incident, panic tera gold, in the hunt for the Lady in the process, accidentally injuring it. According to the introduction to Wang, Huskies is the only not dog barking dogs. Wang family is currently representations and the Zoo, hope the Lady home early. (Network of qilu) news review of zaozhuang, Shandong police captured a white female wolves recently,Shandong zaozhuang encounters Wolf, who was bitten by a Wolf killed. On March 23 tera power leveling, zaozhuang, Shandong tengzhou and found a white she-Wolf, was rushed to the local park after police detained them. 2 person is scratched by wolves, attacks boy with facial paralysis, girls at risk of disfigurement. On March 19, the local police have killed a Wolf Chase 20 km. Others:

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