Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera gold prices rise expected downstream consumption sectors were hitRelatively small. Finally - V

129773928514531250_126Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund market for micro-blogging news blog live small company stocks the major new share placements by gem new third sector brokers New York themesBulletin deal prompted the financial calendar of earnings release memo block trade in thousands of shares of financial market Center collection of funds flowing to new share purchase financing Twitter pioneer financial management training in the daily limit of the unit gather Forum stock > body font size print RSSMarch 27, 2012 source: China Securities journal author: Yang reporter Cao Yangben Monday, Shanghai and Shenzhen shocks to reproduce the narrow tera gold, sharply shrinking turnover, low trading volume since the February 2. At the same time, consumer stocks such as food and beverages, commercial retail collective led by market. FundsHold consumption unit highlights the current market characteristics and defense of caution, and again between necking it means substantially more air into the delicate stage. "Defense" caution in Shanghai and Shenzhen yesterday necking shocks, huzongzhi narrow fluctuations in the space of 20 points. Huzongzhi closed at 2350.6 points, up slightly by 0.05%; shenchengzhi closing 9946.14, 0.62%. Sold in Shanghai and Shenzhen respectively $ 54.05 billion and $, total turnover hit a record low since February 2. ����Second Board index and small fully mechanized means between, fell slightly to 0.09% and rose slightly to 0.06% respectively. From the industry performance, CITIC levels in industry, food and beverage, trading retail, silver, Medicine and food tourism industry index gainers, up, 1.45%, 0.46%, and 0.43%. ����Among banks, and other gainers of industry groups are part of the defense of consumer industries, risk aversion in the market strong. Consumer stocks funds all ages affected by three main aspects of shadowRing. First of all, in the context of economic slowdown trend is not reversed, and investors on the cyclical performance of listed companies generally doubt; "expanding internal demand" policy support as well as the improvement of national consumption, growth of consumer companies have certainty, considering that April will enter the dense and a quarterly disclosure of the annual report, led by the food and beverage industriesGrowth in net profit in the first quarter of this year compared with cycle can be very sharp, so funding key layout consumer sector. Second, the oil price hike since March, and some agricultural products increase the price significantly, inflation is expected to occur repeatedly tera power leveling, who fear March inflation numbers may rebound in the market, thus easing, prices rise expected downstream consumption sectors were hitRelatively small. Finally, food and drink, since the beginning, medical and catering of tourism industry of retail trade index rose, 13.91%, and 4.52% respectively, than non-ferrous metal industry index 25.65% or surviving significant gaps, particularly pharmaceutical stocks since the beginning of this year, a serious stagnation, therefore, some profitable funds diverted toStagflation plates. ����It is worth mentioning that, led by banks accumulating gains for the year also smaller and lower valuations, which become the main object of capital inflows. Analysis pointed out that large defensive characteristics evident yesterday, highlighting the cautious sentiment in the market strong. In General, the phase of adjustment in the upward trend of the market, stagflation plates fill up demand, while in bear marketsEarly, defense industries were also often feature of showing a rising trend, but later in a bear market, back tax and penalties of defense industry groups fell, and often more brutal. Necking the meaning behind yesterday's side is another important characteristic is the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets traded hit a "quantity". Shanghai yesterday sold for only $ 54.05 billion, tens of billions of Yuan in early Dan RichengAmount has already been "these conditions". ����Analysts believe that the gradual shrinkage of the market or that, the index is near the bottom, gradually reduce panic selling in the field, such as falling, interest rate cuts in the future market, good, did not rule out the overall volume increases in May. Of course, although the unit saying there is "premium", but last year's "big bear" has been fully toldThe investors, "Forte, how many". Thus, to judge this only on the basis of short-term adjustment has been completed may be somewhat arbitrary. However, there is one thing for sure is, the index has been killed after falling sharply at the end of last year, unless again exceeded expectations, "Black Swan" events, otherwise the market once again return to the "Xiong Tu" the possibility is very low, especially in the tubeRepeatedly stressed blue-chip investment value and context of pension market, then simply by judging the market bear market thinking, are "fear" had dominated the look out. Short term, yesterday, even if they do not correspond to adjusted minimum price, from short term "premium" was not far, future rebound in oversold or out, key reboundCan be effective when enlarged. From a technical point of view, in huzongzhi dipped below half a year after the line, index below the 60-day moving average is the most important support level, and after the turn to the 60-day moving average line up, currently have more than 2,330, huzongzhi minimum analysis to 2,349 points yesterday, space from the 60-day moving average of less than 20 points. Can be predicted is that 60-day moving average line in the short term will beYou can rely on the last important line of Defense, Bull funds will not easily give up the 60-day moving average. At this time, "" which is quite intriguing, adjust the conclusion to an end and so far tera gold, but from the side view, the bulls ready feature is very obvious, just this one time when there is still some suspense to counterattack. ==== Hexun bloggers pleaseOn the ===== this sign indicates a shares (map) "live" hundred up to real time interpretation of market trend Hua Rong: loss of 20% shareholders make me laugh or cry of the old shareholders: Mr. Zhao Xiao told individual bad message: Goldman Sachs executives out amazing attention again! How easily the main force Bernanke speeches Monday set off a QE3 expected little Yang XING, et al are dropped signal? Others:

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