Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling What are their expectations - YGH

129773822100000000_77Wenzhou towards a comprehensive experimental zone in accelerating the pace of the reform of national financial. During the two sessions throughout the country, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao told Chinese and foreign reporters confirmed, people's Bank of China and China Banking Regulatory Commission is actively considering Wenzhou private finance as part of the comprehensive reform of the pilot, one of the China Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman Shang Fulin said, seven ministries had checked the Wenzhou national comprehensive financial reform pilot zone for overallProgramme. Why is the Wenzhou? National comprehensive financial reform test zone Wenzhou will bring what? What are their expectations? Also encounter bottlenecks? Where is the solution? With these questions, Wenzhou, the China enterprise news reporter of the relevant government departments, industry associations, stock trading center, small loan companies, cooperative banking, credit servicesInstitutions such as the heart, recorded before the comprehensive reform of national financial expression of Wenzhou, attempted to sketch out future financial picture.����"1" upgraded version of unconfirmed news that escalation may have all been not in Wenzhou, was introduced 13 items. In 2011, the Wenzhou under the financial crisis facing the real economy and fictitious economy doublePressureConfidence. On October 4, 2011, when Premier Wen Jiabao, on the advice of Wenzhou local leaders report, on financial reform testing district of Wenzhou's ideas be sure to survey and instruct the relevant ministries on the spot, and the Zhejiang Provincial Government.����In this speech, can become a barometer of financial reform in Wenzhou. Wenzhou municipal government marches. On November 8, 2011, Began the full implementation of the CPC in Wenzhou Wenzhou, Wenzhou City, Wenzhou municipal people's Government on further accelerate local innovation and development of the financial sector (namely "1" reform of local finance innovation strategy), the structure, mechanism, promoting local small and medium enterprises funding on debt crisis. Wenzhou, Wenzhou City Government drafted the comprehensive financial reform pilot zone for overall programme,And developed a special specific subprogrammes 8, including: creating private capital management services company, developing a microfinance company, development of equity investment industry, stronger founded private lending equity operations center tera gold, registration, Bank of Wenzhou service centre development plan, joint-stock system reform of rural financial institutions, creating a local Centre for financial regulation. After which on the programme by the Zhejiang Provincial people's GovernmentSubmitted to the State Council, and approved by the State Council to the relevant ministries. It is reported that the programme includes 9 children are: deepening the microfinance company pilot; started joint-stock system reform of rural cooperative financial institutions; encouraging and introducing a national financial institution set up services in small micro-enterprises in Wenzhou franchised companies; private capital management company pilot; formation of loan registration serviceCentre for setting up of Wenzhou property (assets) trading market; promote the development of equity investment; to commercialize such financial organizations supervision mechanism and promoting financial cluster construction. However, before the formal approval issued, related Department of Wenzhou high monks choose comprehensive reform of financial difficulty and uncertainty which can provide. The China business newspaper reporters carefully compared the discovery, this 9And the Chinese Wenzhou City tera gold, Wenzhou municipal people's Government on further accelerate the innovation and development of Wenzhou local financial industry opinions, one by one, programmes should be improved in content for approval. Wenzhou Banking Council newspaper reporter, with the consent of the Chinese enterprises in Wenzhou municipal party Committee propaganda Department agreed to an interview with reporter; and the people's Bank of China Wenzhou branch asked the China enterprise news reporter makeApplications, they reported to the head office to be interviewed by reporters after the approval.����Zhihou, the China business newspaper reporter was told in an interview to a private capital management company has just received instructions of the Finance Office of Wenzhou, "cannot be interviewed by journalists". The China business daily interview with reporters in Wenzhou City Finance Office, Finance Office is evasive, Deputy Director of development Ke Yuanyuan tableAs shown in the escalation scenario might see them, may also be part of the content, what is the final, everything you want to know. Even in Wenzhou, Wenzhou SMEs financing problem around, has been leading as the "Crow beak", President of the Association for promotion of small and medium enterprises in Wenzhou Zhou Dewen to carefully answer to this, specific content is not very clear. But Zhou DewenOn this sunny, he believed that if this was approved by the State in Wenzhou, Wenzhou and standardization of national capital of sunshine, to play an active role in promoting, on the financing problems of small and medium-sized micro-enterprise loans, will offer a completely new way. The China business newspaper reporter in Wenzhou of unconfirmed news that escalation in WenzhouWhether it could have all been introduced will be 13. Private capital management challenge if the banks would require paying 5% taxes; 3% according to the general business enterprise only needs to pay sales tax. In addition, corporate income tax, personal income tax do with is a problem. Everything has to be approved after the establishment of the national financial reform test zone of WenzhouCan be solved. Despite the approval has not yet been completed, in speeding up the pace of the trial, end of February the first private capital management company of Wenzhou ouhai ICT-private capital management company limited (hereinafter referred to as "ouhai ICT") a formal trial, in the form of private, open up the channels of finance and industry of the Republic. Ouhai ICT Assistant General Manager Sun Xiaoxiang revealed that since February 28 foreign trialHave already done three or four deal, involving funding millions of dollars. It is learnt that the ouhai Wenzhou City, ICT is in accordance with the implementation of "1" place innovation strategies on financial reform, "create private capital management services company" established, major capital investment consulting, capital management, investment services, but not to deposit-taking does not lend. Ouhai Wenzhou, ICT is first openedTrial of private capital management company, Yueqing, Ryan both a folk capital management, is scheduled for trial this month. It is understood that the ouhai ICT with a registered capital of 100 million Yuan, Wenzhou ouhai glasses Ltd as a sponsor, funded $ 20 million, share 20%. Wenzhou, Wenzhou General lock company, Unilever packaging limited, Bo in Wenzhou CityBamboo paper product sales company in the construction company, Wenzhou and four other natural persons invested 10 million Yuan, each unit 10%. Wenzhou City Finance Director Zhang Zhenyu microblogging revealed, sources of private capital management services company, there are specific provisions, entry and exit need to be approved. Lead to more than 10 per cent of sponsors, and the locally famous enterprises as the mainSponsor registered capital of no less than 5 million Yuan, temporary control of registered capital of 100 million yuan during the trial about additional sources of financing major shareholder capital, shareholders of investment funds and raise funds in a private placement to a specific object, and bank financial sources of proof individual contributors, in principle, should not exceed 10% in net capital, the investment period is notLess than 3 months additional funds of funds and private equity shall not register more than 4 times the net capital times.����The China enterprise news reporter in the ICT company providing a copy of public information found that the money, provided during the pilot period, to "short-term financial investments" project funding does not exceed the total amount of net private capital management 20%. Reporter asks Sun XiaoxiangAnd here is the short-term interbank lending. In particular, he stressed that: "not to lend to, is to invest". In fact, they recently did a wire and cable company of more than 1 million worth of short-term investments, finally, according to the Bank Bank of 4 times within a settlement in return for interest.����"This is investment, is a fixed (income) investments". Also, by the proportion of investmentReturn on investment. Sun Xiaoxiang told the China business news reporter, most recently, a glasses enterprises owing to the lack of funds to buy equipment find their company, after investigation assessment, they invest more than 7 million Yuan to help the company to introduce a glasses-processing production line. Now they return on your monthly interest charged at the rate of one penny, one year later, clearing the line of annual profitAnd further divided according to the percentage of return, but need to be charged before the deduction of any money of return on investment. However, in accordance with the financial management, on a single investment of total net capital investment does not exceed the total amount of 5%, which means that each ICT companies shall not exceed $ 5 million. In response, Sun Xiaoxiang explained that it was just started to trial, they consult with related departmentsReceived after the relevant departments agreed to appropriate extra points. Sun Xiaoxiang newspaper reporters to the Chinese enterprises, capital management, in a trial a year to increase its registered capital to 500 million Yuan. Increased private capital must be a specific object as a financial investor, and limited partnership agreement with financial investors, jointly formed limited partnership, established byLimited partnership to invest in projects, participation in decision-making and management of investment projects, until the withdrawal or settlement. Sun Xiaoxiang admitted to the China business newspaper reporters, they started on the file chibutou on the establishment of private capital management Ltd, puzzle and now they are mainly tax, if, in accordance with the banking sector would require paying 5% taxes, and3% according to the general business enterprise only needs to pay sales tax. In addition, corporate income tax, personal income tax do with is a problem.����He said, everything has to be approved after the establishment of the national financial reform testing district of Wenzhou to resolve. Equity trading center swing gate opener left out for now to register and deal less reason analysis was largely influenced by "good businessDo not sell out, and bad business people don't want to buy "the impact of the concepts.����But is that the China business news reporter seen on the display of the famous private enterprise "wahaha SY" trade name. As the comprehensive financial reform submitted to the State Council of the Wenzhou pilot one of the child's development of equity investment, Wenzhou has in June 2010-first tryFirst. Wenzhou equity trading center of company operation, funded by Wenzhou public resource Exchange Center 40% logistics service center and the city of Wenzhou, Wenzhou City industrial and commercial Bureau of finance funding financial development company 30%, jointly invested 10 million Yuan registered three set up. Its main functions include, first equity managed registration function that is not yet listed joint-stock companies, limited liabilityDivision registration of equity provides managed services, as well as to provide registration services associated with the equity of the shareholders second transfer function, providing stock transfer services platform for the enterprise, looking for access to financing, equity investments for investors and investment institutions to enter and exit the platform; features three equity mortgage, pledge loan through equity, innovation financing, broaden the enterprises financingChannels, improve the efficiency of capital allocation, and the non-transfer of State-owned property right transactions. In spite of the 2011 year of financial crisis, since many companies also faced difficulty taking out loans, financing issues, however, equity deals in this new channel of financing does not seem to receive those entrepreneurs that face difficulties in hot pursuit. Journalists in the equity trading center in Wenzhou see, emptySwing gate opener left out of the Hall, it is difficult to find a trace of the transaction or registration officer.����Only hung in the Hall over two large screen constantly displays a few had already registered in the stock trading center of Enterprise name, seems to be telling people this equity trading center. Equity trading centre staff told the China business news reporter, currently registered in the CenterManaged enterprise and only 8, 2 listed enterprises, have been successfully trading a.����And the entire Zhejiang Province (including 11 City) also registered managed only 19. On June 17, 2011, the long poem de health drinking water equipment company in Wenzhou, Zhejiang stock exchange trading, as a development designed the world's first platform-mounted straight drinking machine,Drinking water equipment of one of the leading enterprises of the State enterprises, design the total share capital of 62 million shares, priced $ 5 per share. "To date have been trading 417 shares, finance reaches more than 20 million Yuan, the highest reaching $ 8 per share. "Said Mr Zhang told the China business news reporter, to encourage more companies to the stock exchange trading, Center for freeRemember, free of tax, trading success simply charge a processing fee of 5 per thousand.����In addition, extension services, they have completed the transfer online transaction system construction, the systems are similar to stock software, can be made on a personal terminal operations in real time, providing operational convenience for investors. For now to register and deal less reason, analysis was largely influenced by "goodBusiness people are not sold out, and bad business people don't want to buy "the impact of the concepts.����But is that the China business news reporter seen on the display of the famous private enterprise "wahaha SY" trade name. Wenzhou University professor who asked not to be named, expressed optimism for this. In his view, to begin trading in the equity trading centre, on the one hand canA financing and, second, in an open, fair and just to hand in the context of equity in access to some degree of value added; third, due to a central trading have to do audits and assessments tera power leveling, clear property rights and accept supervision by the equity trading centre and the public, equivalent to a pre-IPO exercise, ready for future access to capital markets. He says, for something to giveBe more understanding. At the same time, also must carry out publicity and promotion of equity transactions, information symmetry, to take you through common sense of equity transactions, understand the details of trading enterprises, equity deals will certainly usher in good time for development. 12 next page Others:

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