Sunday, April 1, 2012

diablo 3 gold the contraband like "hanging weiya" up - RWR

129773162591562500_27Hong Kong-Shenzhen water smuggling "Apple" means variety According to the estimation of the Shenzhen Customs, Shenzhen port active day guests up to 20,000 people, in the bustling through the crowd, latent number "master", who between Shenzhen and more than more than 10 times a day, whether in disguise, also is a partnership with, and even launched an unexpected, it is their "ants moving" from the hard work of supporting parallel imports from the Mainland mobile phone marketThe sky. Would like to know how fire is the iPhone? Lo, for example, Customs may refer to the seven or eight suspected of smuggling a day iPhone case. Shenzhen Customs had previously reported that in recent years, the "water" increasingly tend to appear professional, groups of groups. It is learnt that the long-term repeated in every direction because of water, endless stream of water ways of smuggling, specially made smuggling toolMore innovation, both hand-shoulder, and a close tie lock-both by constantly recruiting new faces to the clearance link "pass off fish eyes for pearls", and the use of special populations, such as elderly, disabled or primary school students, or even pretend to be lovers, posing as a camouflage measures such as pregnant women, reduce sth by Customs risk Identified seven or eight a day iPhone smuggled from the Lo was informed that day the seaGuan may refer to the seven or eight suspected smuggling case iPhone, everyone generally take a dozen of clearance, or even twenty or thirty, just one day can be tracked down iPhone baiyubu (including taxation and the return of Hong Kong). Reporter was informed that recently carried out by the Shenzhen Customs "door shield" action, such as targets in key areas such as iPhoneChild products, "water" on smuggling. According to statistics, since the beginning of this year, the Customs has 46 criminal case filing complaints, or so since $ 71.41 million, related to tax $ and dismantle groups of 3 or more 3, 19 people were arrested, zhenban or so since cases of more than NT $ 2. Tracked down electronics smuggling crimes 13, iPhone mobile phones and other electronic products seized a large number; seizures "within one yearThree smuggling crime-related "; 19 seized drug smuggling case 5, heroin and other drugs more than 3,000 grams; uncovered waste smuggling case 4, tracked down waste 393 tons; seized oil smuggling case 13 tera gold, 342.69 tons of seized products; found 4 silver smuggling case and seized 1354.3 kilograms of smuggled silver, worth $ 12.5 million. Science and technology entrance withoutDays of cross harbour aerial stranded wire "fly line" smuggling on August 3, 2011, a garden of Shenzhen Customs officers at Sha Tau Kok and seizing a "air line" dens of smuggled electronic goods. Smugglers in the Garden District Gallery waving in the air, 21 floor, winch, hanging on the line of the smuggled contraband mobile phones from opposite Hong Kong. In the vicinity of Chung Ying Street, Sha Tau Kok called "Jade green Court "garden community, 21/f, air Gallery, was a shortage of Hong Kong across the grass, or even scrap, location is very subtle. Smugglers was fishing with light stick on transparent fishing line, iron block, special big Slingshot projectile to iron shortage in Hong Kong in the grass on the other side, and fishing line is attached to iron winch. Smugglers in Hong Kong should have seenAfter copious, smuggled electronics bags hanging on the pulley, shaking the winch on the air corridor smugglers, the contraband like "hanging weiya" up, taxi quickly transfer the contraband of the finally block. It is reported that the arrest operation 6 arrested in connection with the officers, seized smuggled iPhone phones 50, Ipad2 tablets 50, preliminary valuation 3More than 0. Give the slip of "smart" iron box of "remote control" smuggling December 4, 2011, a special management zone and out of the car from the Sha Tau Kok border lane monitoring site at Chung Ying Street to enter the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, enter the Customs officers of eyes. After the vehicle has been sent to vehicle and equipment seized during their journey, customs officers from the car in the rear view mirror found a man who rides a bikeBehind the back of the bus, and entered into in Wu after a made a drive-independent movements, hear cars coming from the rear "hearing" in the sound. Customs officer got off viewing right away, see a person riding a bicycle was about to pick up the black iron box left lying on the floor. Customs officers opened the iron box, found with cell phones of 28. It turns out that Wu had one installed in the tail of the car a special device, with special remote control carRemote control iron boxes removed from the tail of the car falling off the ground in an attempt to evade customs inspection. Entrance Take away the firewood under the cooking pot conversion of mobile phone what is unexpected in the wheels? Cart wheels couches into several mobile phones, it sounds almost unlikely thing. March 17 this year, party Huang pushing a cart from the Sha Tau Kok border special management zone,"Street" lane area into the Shenzhen customs supervision. Customs officers found that the screws in the wheel parts are new, and decrepit body do not match, coupled with signs of obvious conversion wheel parts, then key check for the cart. When customs officials when you remove the trolley 4 wheels, found that the wheel hub have been emptied, are hidden in each wheel 3Of iPhone4s to 4 sets of brand new mobile phones, totaling 14. Anduchencang sole special dark pools of machines you see, this "big God" phones cross the border, the sole idea. Around February 21, Chen Hong Kong young men through the Lo Wu immigration, his hand and a small package with a pair of old shoes in plastic bag walk slowlyCustoms inspection area. As close to the Lo Wu control point gate closing time, customs officers found the young man walked up to the pace of the heavy, so stop it doing selective examinations. Check, customs officers found by Chen to wear sports shoes shoes body swelling, high wore on their feet is the sole, then allow it to check your shoes. Customs officers opened the insoles and discovered two shoes in the possession of a stainless steel concealed compartments, respectively, in the darkPossessing iPhone4s 4 new phones. Human entrance in troubled waters of human body tied up mobile suits for men, ladies and gait whirling about, looks like business travel, but in "water" pass through. On March 8 and March 9, Customs seized 7 consecutive cases in Shenzhen Bay for tied to personal possession of contraband mobile phones immigration cases. In a series of cases, people involved with a modifiedIn the usual impression of "water" in a tight, handbag large bag small packet cover practices, are dressed in glamorous, dress fashion, in which 3 women suspects and even wear shorts, short skirts, like return of the travel or take part in business activities in Hong Kong. By inspection, customs officers found that 7 suspects in the back, chest, leg tie reservoir brand mobile phones such as Apple, a total of 130, estimate or so sinceNearly $ 400,000. Reincarnation of baby carriages in the catch in about February 25, in front of the customs clearance at Lo Wu crossing, a lady pushing a baby carriage diablo 3 gold, two men with bags bulging around. The inspection found in baby carriages had 14 Apple mobile phones, they also found 15 bags of apples mobile phone. Babies less than one year old child in the car was "rent". "Water for small children parents money, around $ 200 a day, use of baby smuggling goods", customs officials revealed the truth. News truck drivers as "water" dark smuggling case report from iPod touch player (Jiang Xin reporter Cui Ningning correspondents) reporters learned from the Shenzhen Customs, "door shield" operation, with the Customs AdministrationPipe continues to strengthen, past passenger of bringing contraband into "water", changing the smuggling new tricks. Passenger run, went from the shipping channel. Recently, the Huanggang customs freight entry channel tracked down a dark hidden smuggling case, were suspected of smuggling vehicles adapted within the dark, found out arrested for smuggling a total of new iPod touch broadcast100. Preliminary investigations, the driver admitted was an act of personal goods. On March 21, in connection with the vehicles return empty from Huanggang port forwarding channel immigration, Huanggang customs risk management analysis of the recent period of immigration records, found that records exception, then its key identification. After initial inspection, vehicle and no suspicious circumstances surrounding his death. But the customsInspectors found that the truck driver in the eye movement in response to questions, to be calm, very suspicious. Customs officers and lists of records than on the back of the car, its suspected of smuggling illegal, must be thoroughly examined! "Empty cars, end-can see at a glance, in addition to the carriage left some goods at the end of the dust does not appear to be suspicious. "Participating in this searchInspection of the customs officer Li recalls. But Customs officers have not been idea confusing, inch by inch to check the car. In the left corner in front of the vehicle, customs officers found the clues. "The floor above the dusty, and it was dirty, appears to have been untouched for a long time. My colleagues and I tentatively knocked the floor, found sound famen, very suspicious. "" We are going to surfaceDust, square cut marks on the floor. Open, here is the fuel tank of a vehicle, top iron plate there is a small, square mouth, turned out to be unruly elements within the fuel tank to set a special dark! "Out in the dark tera gold, the original brand new Apple iPod touch player 100. Made charges of smuggling the new iPad immigration of middle school students report from(Su Meiyi photographic reporter Cui Ningning correspondents report) reporter learned from the Shenzhen Customs, the customs at Lo Wu control point seized a few days ago 2 Hong Kong secondary students ' attempts to smuggle 8 new iPad immigration involved goods worth about 25,000 yuan. March 20, 2 female students dressed in school uniforms through the Lo Wu immigration, they were back a pink shoulder bagAfter customs inspection site, duty customs officers found they looked serious, pace rushed and not as easily as the General border students randomly, so two people stopped to check it. The investigation, customs officers found 2 respectively in their schoolbags packages wrapped in black plastic bags, heavy in the hand, open, are 4 brand new new iPad tablet. TwoGirls after seized by customs, very calm, at first called the tablet they bought their use. Customs officers repeatedly asked, and to inform the consequences of illegal trafficking, account of the fact that only two people last: two people were enrolled in grade nine students of a secondary school in Hong Kong, goods are when they train at the station in Sheung Shui, accosted by the criminals and the carrot, is allowed toHK $ 250 per person fee delivery guys brought to the Lo Wu Station in Shenzhen. Customs: introduction to establish passenger information base to combat the "water" smuggling of high-value electronic products such as iPhone, always is the focus of Shenzhen Customs passenger port daily, major measures include customs: one idea is the use of risk management, establishment of passenger information base, lockingFocus on suspicion of smuggling people. Two is a reasonable adjustment of manpower, efforts to arrest Brigade checked ports field, increased to carry the iPhone, and other high-value electronic products special investigation of the smuggling group. Three is to smuggle acts be investigated and prosecuted according to law. Customs Department to smuggling deliberately subjective apparent smuggling, such as personal plots of arms tied, or by customs administrative punishment in mindRecorded, direct file transfer Revenue Department; more than three times within a year smuggled illegal record, of customs administrative punishment, removal of Customs Department criminal case processing. Four are strengthening the legal awareness of customs clearance on visitors, visitors to popularize knowledge of relevant laws and regulations of such items to guide passengers to consciously abide by the customs clearance requirements. Others:

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