Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling Refer to energy dissipationReference interest-Beijing - JJW

129773932908281250_60"Crazy stone" metaphor to jade market quickly gained speed, used to be the love of art market commentary. But common sense, day of the madness of the markets should return to calm, Emerald market seems to have should not be an exception. Low-end Emerald encounter adjustment has been experiencing crazy rise in the price of jade market is currently suffering correction pattern. Since nearly two months after the Spring Festival, Low-end Jadeite jade prices continued to decline, and some lower-end goods prices increased by as much as about 50%, buyers generally reduced. Journalists in the city jewelry, antique city found when visited, many deserted within a jade store, request more, buyers are few. Jade price retail price also began to decline, especially low-end jade pendant, jewelry, price than they were a year ago usingDrop 20%-30%. Nevertheless, although traffic was not great, but still in some stores around a group of buyers, sometimes with a strong light torch light up hand bracelets and watch carefully and calculated according to the calculator in the hands of whispered, is mysterious and busy. Jewellery jewelry trade association of China Deputy Secretary General Dr three believe that the decline in price of the low-end jade is jade marketProperly adjusted, but for high-end emeralds, still worth looking forward to the future. High-end Emerald prices remain strong "while low-end jade price signs of weakness, but high-end Emerald prices remain strong, not only has not declined, but also on the rise. "Three recent young 's" green diamond jewelry high end appreciation "on the case, told reporters. "And low-end jadeMarkets, high-grade Jadeite jewelry is still considered to be a favorite investment price of improved varieties, continues to be sought after in the market, there is increase in kinetic energy. "Three Yang said. "Because of the scarcity of resources, and rising raw material prices remained, so high-end Emerald prices continue to rise is inevitable. "Baoyi and Emerald societies-Kun told reporters. In this case, the party-KunAlso, some high-end emeralds Boutique has a large collection of investment, the company of some of the classic variety, is currently "all show and no sale". And this is due, in addition to the primary market, a jade auctions in the secondary market, although the encounter 2011 autumn cold, jewels jade plate continues to highlight the present great enthusiasm for the Emerald collection. According to theSolutions tera gold, in the Beijing art melting, first fully Chui single category of autumn special auction last year, has not only achieved total contract price of up to $ 470 million, to hold a large surplus of "Emperor" planted green glass is generous to $ 103 million deal, so all collectors are shocked at the scene. Emerald collection investment necessary to industry experts say, jade market, because of itsClassification of investments and fine, before you buy should make clear the purpose for. If you are only used as a jewelry worn, can choose the unique, decor good essay both characteristics of the Emerald, resplendent decor and art. If for your investments, you should be based on economic power, perfect combination of form and material purchased-jade collection. "High-jade resources are non-renewable, and the kind of water, Reached the top of the color emerald is very rare, so investment in high-end emeralds still has a large collection of space. "Autumn Mei Fei Jun Yan, Chairman, said. However, for ordinary investors, buy the Emerald continues to own financial resources, preferences may be, is necessary. Related link collection of jade Jade of history, also known as Jadeite jade, jade, Jadeite, Burma jade tera gold, isJade, its origin in northern Myanmar. Before the Qing dynasty jade in kind is impossible to see because of too few. At first, emerald in lower domestic prices. To the reign of late, almost worth thousands, far more than other type of jade. In the 1980 of the 20th century, because of the economic takeoff in several countries in Southeast Asia, on Jade's requirement has increased a lot, especiallyIs Taiwan rapid economic development, Chinese Green Jade Love makes a lot of Taiwan people buying large quantities of collecting jade. Jade sources are limited, and this imbalance makes the Emerald overnight rise in the price of many times. In the early 1970 of the 20th century in the short span of a dozen years, luxury Emerald price rises of up to 2000%. Super EmeraldOn the selling score sky-high. Until the early 90 's of the last century, Emerald b goods there shocks the entire market, jade product prices fell, only about 80 peak around. After the 2003 SARS epidemic, outbreak in the entire art collection market growth, emerald on raw material prices again to a level. It is understood that the last century 90So far, one normal jade pendant from $ 3-5 tera power leveling, up to $ 300-500. Only ice bracelet that year at $ 100, starting price is $ 300,000-500,000 now, ice is as high as millions of kinds of fluorescent, some fine even entered a million times. More than 20 years, high-grade Jadeite jade price rises of more than thousands, and is still rising. (Refer to energy dissipationReference interest-Beijing) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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