Monday, April 2, 2012

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129765255586093750_18Comment: cool potatoes can build video Empire On March 12, the video site youku and Tudou announced a way to Exchange equity 100% to merge, potatoes are about delisting of the NASDAQ listing in less than 7 months so one's destiny is to be finalised. As national boss video site yoqoo, potatoes, and the second to be merged, no doubt brought to market and users as customers are no small stir. Copyright dispute has been gebuxiangrangYouku and potatoes, was suddenly lying in a bed, mainly from riches to rags, was tied up by depth investor ultimately cannot tolerate sustained losses of potatoes, driving this merger in order to cash in. Almost unanimously viewed outside for the merging of the two buy swtor, but the combined effect might not be 1 1. current major video sites in China's business model is a single, simpleIs to buy hit movie copyright to attract viewers, the main source of income for placement advertising. Video websites up to huge cost to purchase episodes of copyright, and fried high hit play with fierce competition and price, copyright prices times in 4 years, but customers down very low viscosity, because the differences between the Web site experience almost no, such a high degree of homogeneity of competition for video networkBecome more and more difficult. Yoqoo, potatoes after the merger, brand and platform independent, if you maintain homogenous development route of constant, equal to the company without a competition, but video sites highly tragic situation of homogenization of competition remained unchanged. However, on March 15, Tudou CEO Wang Wei and Wang Xiangyun o CO issued a letter to partners, emphasized that potatoes will crossPenetration of "everyone is the Director of life" concept, full excavate in user-generated content, independent of self-made content and interactive entertainment marketing advantage, and allow them to share and link and youku has continued to rely on "fast, full, clear", and constantly enhance the efficiency of operations in television variety shows, in homemade programme continues to expand its development benefits. Content and community isFuture trend of video sites, this displays the differences between development and avoid the homogenization of competition, youku and potatoes will continue to follow the footsteps of two leading video sites abroad, potato-y ouTube community route, and youku h Ulu line, heading for the two and create a video Empire. The famous y ouTube isUser created content model of video-sharing sites, advantages are social customers who share a certain degree of viscosity and customer base is broad; h Ulu is a rising star of high definition film and TV dramas, movies, video website value, it is first of all a profit, it only covers United States video website traffic 1%, sitting on a 33% of advertising revenue. Desire-solidSo good swtor credits, but the road is hard to successfully build the Empire. Hulu to development in addition to benefit from United States on legitimate programs outside of copyright law, should not be overlooked is the rich second generation status of the Golden Spoon was born there. Hulu is a United States national radio and global companies (NBCUniversal) and News Corporation (NewsCorp) jointly established, nBC and Hulu in News Corp's FOX entertainment company received at the beginning of the establishment of unique content to play copyright global program is freely licensed and FO x h Ulu, h Ulu now has 90 movies, TV suppliers. Youku's father apparently spelling but however h Ulu, although the merge bring potatoes to youkuBuy copyright, but copyright is still to spend big money to buy. Even if bargaining power lifting, but the content is a core resource, this dominant position in the game, and in the competitive world of case costs probably won't drop much. Youku develop according to this model is bound to make on-demand pay as a major source of income, but online piracy, and if you are unable to takeA unique resource, pay-on-demand is bound to develop. In potatoes, although u g c model to create differentiated experiences to a certain extent, and boost user viscosity, but YouTube's example shows, u g c model's earnings prospects remain uncertain. YouTube perennial losses and profit efficiency is very low, with the overwhelming majority of customers whoGroup ads browse ranking top ten. And even worse is, under u g c mode, YouTube has been suffering from the problem of copyright problems, many copyright owners to court, developing natural potatoes if this path to prepare for long war. Potato, if it can reach YouTube's activity, with a copyright lawsuit, stand upLoss through to the spring community to share and profit is indeed a difficult trick. Yoqoo, potatoes choice of the road of development is doomed to hard, Wang finally not only big money flooded by Tencent youku swtor credits, or were buried by long-term profit out of potatoes. Yoqoo, potatoes can create a video Empire, tiller, wait and see. (Author of Wu Chuyin media practitioners)Representatives of the freedom of speech only personal opinion Others:

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