Tuesday, April 3, 2012

swtor credits currently in lingshi - YGW

129770904343281250_10⊙ Reporter Qiu Jiang Ruan Xiaoqin 0 edit 2011 net earnings of $ 322 million, an increase of 144%, intended to be 10-10 $ 1, Evergreen energy became one of optimal growth and distribution of coal stocks. Reporters reading their annual report found that preparing h-issue Evergreen energy working on the 2012 target of quite a high profile, with planned output of 700 is the present capacity of 1.6 times. Evergreen energy 2011 annual report released today, the year production of 2.63 million tonnes of raw coal swtor credits, clean coal, 820,000 tons of coal trade of 210 diablo 3 gold,000 tons; operating income $ 2.062 billion, compared with $ 2.795 billion from a year earlier to reduce 26.23%, main company business transformation, revenue of all coal revenues tera gold,Compared with a year earlier due to reduced oil revenues; operating profit of 451 million Yuan, an increase of 89.11%; attributed to owners of the parent company's net profit of 322 million dollars, an increase of 144.05%, mainly coal due to the increase in operational net profit.  Company to be distributed to all shareholders every 10 $ 1 in cash, at the same time every 10 shares converted into 10 shares. Also in the yearMentioned in the 2012 goal: achieving revenue targets over $ 6.5 billion, targeted more than $ 1.2 billion in net profit.  Combination of company announcements, company 2012 total output of raw coal will greatly increase the amount, planned for 7 million tonnes, 1.6 times times the output in 2011. In addition, 2012 which aim for total designed capacity of coal mine scale 20 tons, recoverable deposits to more than 2 billion tons of coal resource, coal production base construction of three further, electricity production and construction started. Evergreen energy prepares to h shares listed, fighting for the first half of 2013 to complete h-share issue, to get international financing channels. At the same time, continue to explore through the issuance of corporate bonds and short-term financing bonds, medium-term notes and other means,Ensure the rapid development of the company's demand for funds. In the coal sector, Evergreen energy came to land in recent years on a "dark horse". As a private enterprise, 2009 began the sale of oil and other assets of the company, through the acquisition and asset acquisitions, to coal industry restructuring. After two years of rapid development, the company "main of Shanxi province, And after this, Xinjiang, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia, reserve "development distribution is taking shape in the three places, currently in lingshi, Shanxi area with swing swing ling, 9 mine, production capacity of 5.4 million tons/year, 320 million tons of coal to maintain reserves; in Shaanxi area has reserves of 1.1 billion tons of high grade coal resources; in the Xinjiang region has block 1 ton of coal mine. In addition, the company also to AustraliaReceived mine, work has been started. Today also announcements of Shaanxi billion China mining capital increase. The company currently owns geological prospecting 100% of sea Beach, due to subsequent construction needs, all the shareholders agreed to increase its registered capital to $ 1.5 billion, total required capital increase of 950 million Yuan. Evergreen energy by 70% its stake, the capital increase amounts as 665$ 0. Office, Shaanxi billion China mining their sea-Beach design of coal mine production capacity to 6 million ~800 million tons, to start construction by the end. Others:

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