Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera power leveling the projectionist of the film needed more - YBI

129770966778437500_2169:30 A.M., master Sun was showing the same day the first film of the film show gradually fading out of the peach pageant stage, now most of the operations done on the touch screen is a low-budget production or Hollywood blockbusters, is where this small mobile hard drive narration online movie show of their own capital in the trade show cinema projectionist behind real-life small windowWorld has no "house full" hero of vision was brought up on the screen more beautiful story, and aspire to be like Ai Feiduo film masters---this is Italy in the paradise cinema director Giuseppe Tornatore's film moving plot. Cinematographer seems to be carrying a generation's memories and dreams, but this career was no less romantic in real life. NearDay, a named "show Yuan" of users made has a roaring posts, posts in will as show Member of sufferings with roaring body of form wrote out, such as "a work on see does not to Sun", and "delivery movie copies is physical work" "one movie show dozens of again themselves are no full see had a again",, raised has users were of concern and response, members have said to apprentice apprenticeship.Take this tera gold, press telephone interview this work in Jinan City, Shandong province, monthly salary of around 2000 "show Yuan" and visited the capital's major cinemas, show you show real-life. They tell, we've all seen movies from the film into the digital age changes of the times. Show nine to 12 a day lunch "with" 9:30 A.M., reporterThe small shadows cinema in the West of Beijing. For a dozen years show master Sun good health has been cleaned. He told reporters that the screening room on very high environmental requirements, you must keep the projector clean and clean the ground, so his first task was to work every day to wipe of the fuselage. "Time is not fixed to work in the morning, to see specific rows. Generally in the 8Half to 9 points to unit, and work was fundamental to the 11 or 12 o'clock at night the end. "Sun master edge on the machine side, told reporters," cinema Office of three, each responsible for a Department, one day you can take a day off, a total of 6 show, divided into two shifts. "Sun master expertly Xenon lamp lit in the machine, on a touch screen point into the server, enter the menu.At this time was 9:40, there are 20 minutes, starting from the first film of the day show. Sun master, to be placed in the movie once upon a time to fast forward after checking again, back to the beginning, showing two characters on the screen--"Miss peaches". In order to view the sound quality, pushes the master downstairs with small cinema connection Windows Sun, listened to the volume, there is no problem, thisSafely back to the show room upstairs. Master Sun told a press conference, this is a must do homework on a daily basis, "can only check the movies and sounds to the audience. "9:57 advertising, show little fuzzy images projected on the big screen on the window becomes very clear. "We are almost a day spent in the House, film one by one, every ten20 minutes to see if the machine properly, and so on, noon meal depends on other of my colleagues bought SPACIFY eats. "To the audience, the small window seems to be extremely mysterious, desirable, but for Sun master, the projectionist, the touzhe weak little screen not bright and sunlight was almost their entire world. Technological change film copies of the times sinksAbout 60 pounds when it comes to film a large show, master Sun reporter viewed the show two films, films need to go through red tape to hang the machine, more complex operations. A copy to show 20 minutes a film need five or six copies. Copies, according to Sun master introduction, General copy are two clinging to a large, a movieTo swap copies three times, "this is a lot of manual work. Put three-roll of film in an iron box, about 20 pounds. If is large, film has at least seven volumes, three full boxes, you want to want to weigh. "Before the show, copies need to be linked to the machine in advance, sometimes requires two machines for the, machine finished, then put another machine, when the intervalTo calculate a good. Take out from the cassette when film, if the film does not note it is easy to be scattered. "Show Yuan" told reporters that the older projectionist has encountered such a situation, sometimes wrapped around the film was a mess, need to cut open a little bit. Labor intensive, easy use of sound and picture out of sync film also need to pay special attention to the phenomenon of sound and picture out of sync. "Show Yuan" tellReporter hang when there is a loop, loop needs to show a manual adjustment, there is probably a thumbs distance. Loop, the sound would later; if small, sound in advance. For new people, special needs to accumulate experience in this regard. In addition, the projectionist of the film needed more, a Hall to at least two people. “Show Yuan ", said General film a movie only copy, so to be a good time, such as the first Hall on the first, Hall first after finished the first, Hall got the second place. A people ready to hang the film, another person will need to go back in right away from the trailer title. Film or there is a risk of scratching, "film, scratched or broken if encountered, usually head first intoCheck, in serious cases, can only be cut off. "Removable hard drive in a digital age" key "security show after digital, movies are generally placed in the removable disk drive," show Yuan, "told a press conference, and we usually use mobile hard drive makes no difference, as long as the download to the digital projector, you can. Easily upload and download, makes the movie's securityInsecurity, "keys" which has played a very important role. "Key" generally are received within three days before the show, generally at about 10 o'clock in the evening on the day before the entry into force. "We will see the film in advance, check the quality, make sure that show the next day without any problems. "" Show Yuan, "said. Office of a person responsible for a panic into new digital technology GeneralAnd after the show it requires human is less. Two former talent capable of living, now one can get, but could also be responsible for several film Office. Cinema General Manager Yu Chao told reporters in the capital, financial Street Studios in new project, set up a centralized control system, which is basically a show Office for the staff to be responsible for more than one show, shown in front of the monitorTo see individual Office. "Probably began in 2002, studios digital system gradually up, is also convenient to use a lot. "Master Sun told a press conference, digital, but there will be panic, although this does not often happen, but once only to restart the machine. Description you need to talk to the audience, is a device issue tera power leveling, pleaseUnderstanding. IMAX show periodic inspection not need to climb three-storey "show Yuan" studios which IMAX show, due to machine large IMAX, so use a larger operations separately, "it the heating wattage than a larger, higher heat, so a separate air-conditioner and humidifier. Other machines of public to one central air conditioning. "In addition to the regular dimensionProtective equipment, "show Yuan" told reporters that the curtain is also need to be checked on a regular basis, "about a quarter or half a year you need to check again. Mainly Cala curtain machine to see if flexible, inflexible need oil on the. There are three stories high IMAX screen, each time when checked, must climb to high places. "In addition, a work must beTo note, screen projector Xenon lamp with 800-1000 hours to replace, when not working, Xenon lamp has 8 to 10 atmosphere, work about 20 to 30 at atmospheric pressure, so the bulbs dangerous, don't hit, knock, to handle with care, or you'll blow up. "Show Yuan" revealed that for light to wear protective clothing when wearing protectiveFace masks to prevent scratching the skin. Links show increased demand must hold a certificate as the Chinese film industry continues to improve, increasing number screen, show demand is also growing. Yu Chao told reporters that their cinema projectionist of old employee, there is also a young man, but, in any case, must go through the projectionist's professional qualification examinations. Beijing FilmWood, Deputy Manager Huang Qiang said, Beijing Film projectionist in two batches a year training course in 1.5 months to two months tera gold, from studying film theory and practice course, graduate certificate, the certificate can be Studios hired to do the show. After the State has enacted national standards, in addition to the certificate of training, will be set up in the primary,-Level and advanced as well as the training of technicians, film projectionist in more standardized and expanded steadily. (Editors: Cao Shuangshuang) Others:

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